~Chapter 7~

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A/N So some of y'all were confused as to how Natalia got detention.. So she got detention because she was slacking off in class and writing lyrics for Renessa.

And some of y'all were also wondering Chase ended up in this whole thing and who is boss right? Well I'm gonna explain now.. Well first of all Chase was in the classroom that was next to the convo (But yall didnt know because I wrote it in Natalia's POV) And so Chase was feeling 'protective' of her for some reason so he threatened Aaron and stuff and.... BOOM detention. So sorry I forgot to add in that part.

And also I'm gonna go back to the day that Renessa's father comes back so if your forgot I suggest you go read that chapter.


She didn't look like she believed me but she nodded.

"And don't think of telling anyone.. Otherwise you and the person you tell with receive major consequences.. Understand?" He stated, very firmly.

I nodded and walked away slowly...


Cristina's POV

So, here's what has been happening with my life right now.

-Blake has been making eye contact with me and smiling a lot.

-Natalia is keeping something from me.

-Renessa is now ranting to me about how Mike has become distant.

-And I'm here wondering, how did my life end up here.

".. So yea. Our one year anniversary is coming up. Now is not the time for us to become distant.... Do you think he's seeing someone else?..." She rambled

"Nessa?" I tried

"...Am I not good enough for him? Am I really that ugly? See I told you I should've died that time I went to the hospital..." She said sadly.

Wow... She's really in love. I wonder if he's just planning something for her..

"Nessa.." I said a little more forcefully.

"..What if he's really seeing someone else and is too much of a coward to own up to me..."

"Nessa!" I yelled, finally catching her attention.

"Oh sorry. Was I rambling too much?" She asked sheepishly.

I laughed, shaking my head, "You know your too good for your own good Miss Renessa?" I stood up giving her a comforting hug.

"Don't worry Nessa, I'm sure everything's fine and your just over thinking like a normal girlfriend would do." I reassured her, and myself.

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