Epilogue Finale (Jakessa)

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A/N I am so so so sorry for not updating in so long!! I just lost the feeling to write, especially the romantic scenes so here I am again finishing up the final, FINAL chapter of this book with the one and only ship #Jakessa!! I missed writing this ship so much!! I'm not sure where I will continue of from but just know that this is probably the final chapter with these characters for a while as I am writing a new story called Whole New World... I would appreciate if you guys checked it out and give it a vote. I am not sure when I will start uploading the 'Collage' part of the book, but don't worry... I will eventually... So without further ado, The FINAL CHAPTER OF BEHIND THE GLASSES!!!

 So without further ado, The FINAL CHAPTER OF BEHIND THE GLASSES!!!

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(Jakessa's son Cameron played by young Munro Chambers)

Nessa's POV (Seven years later)

Dear Diary,

Here I am seven years later, an early graduate of collage and a lawyer and a part time singer for a big record label!! Life is going so great right now, Lily is seven years old now, Jacob is a doctor, what he always wanted to be and here we are in Spain, I am on my first tour ever! And guess who is here with me?! You guessed it, my handsome husband and my beautiful seven year old daughter and the newest edition to our family... Our four year old son, Cameron James Rodriguez... This is so surreal, never in a million years would I dream that I would be performing in front of more than a million people with my family by my side!

I am still super close with Becca, Tina and Natty. Natty still is single and happy to be, we are always trying to set her up with a guy but she says she would rather be single and have no one than to be in a relationship and have that guy play with her feelings and not love her and make her heart break.. Eventually we gave up on trying to set her up and let her be in her single, happy life. Cristina is now married to Ian for about five years now and they have two kids, Lily and Kyle... They were set on those names since they were dating but I don't mind her daughter and mine have the same name, it's cool that we are so alike in picking names and stuff... They are like so cute together!!!

I would love to tell you more about what happened but I have to go on stage to perform my first song for my tour!!!

"You ready Hazel Eyes?" My dear husband of eight years asked me, using a nickname he came up for me saying that it was the best feature on my face and it's the first thing he noticed about me when he met me, carrying Cameron on his shoulders and kissing my cheek. I nodded and smiled up at Cameron.

"Look mummy! I'm flying!!" He squealed and put out his hands and made 'wooshing' noises and I giggled.

"Thats great Cammy!"

My manager, also known as Tina, told me that I had to get my butt out there now. So I did.

"Hello Spain!! Welcome to my first ever tour! I am so excited to sing for you guys... My first song will be 'Born To Shine'"

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