~Chapter 24 part 2~

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A/N I have never done a plot like this so please bear with me as I explore this new plot...  And also I think I MIGHT extend the story to 35 chapters maybe.. Depends on how long I drag on this plot and it depends on the length of my chapters.


We payed for the items and Jacob was really worried about me still, because he said I still look pale, like I wanna faint, and I threw up again when we walked past a fish vendor outside... And honestly I am too... Because what if I'm really pregnant because coming to think about it, I've supposed to have my period my now... I'm too young to have a child, I was supposed to go to college then get my law degree, get engaged, get married, then start thinking of kids... But if I really am pregnant him or her will have the best people around him or her...

"Nessie... Ness.. were home..." A soothing voice wakes me and I groan slightly and he chuckles, bringing me into his arms as he carries me to the house bridal style and I giggle slightly into his chest, as this reminds me of a newlywed married couple going to their home.

We were greeted inside the house by a smiling pair of parents, a smirking Cristina, Blake and Chase and smiling Natalia.

"Well I guess we welcome the newlywed married everyone" Natalia teased and I laughed nervously as Jacob set me down but I stumbled a little and everyone looked at me seriously.

"I'm fine... I just... I don't feel very well.."

I notice Blake notice the bag in my purse and I slap it out of his hands and he yelps.

"NO! I-I-I... Um.. G-Girl S-Stuff." I stammer and his face goes red with embarrassment and everyone but my mom and Natalia chuckles.

"Renessa. Upstairs. Now" Was my mother's stern demand and I know now... That I am toast...


Renessa's POV

I felt all the color flush from my face as I followed my mom, Cristina and Natalia up to my room.

I shut my door to find all of them looking at me sternly and I felt like I had three mothers... "Look I explain"

"Oh you better have a reason to explain! Or you can find yourself at home tomorrow night." My mom scolds and I bow my head.

Cristina takes my purse, opens it and she looks into the bag and all the color drains from her face, "REALLY?!" She squeals as her face lights up.

I tried really hard not to smile. "I don't know..

Jacob's POV

"What was all that about?" I ask as I unpack the stuff we got and Chase and Blake just gave me a 'really' look and I hold my hands up in defense.

"Are you really that dumb man?" Blake says, slapping the upside of my head and I roll my eyes, still waiting for the 'amazing' reason to why Nessa has been acting weird.

"Dude it's obvious that she's pregnant.. I mean have you guys..." Chase asked uncomfortably and start making weird hand movements and I flushed red.

"I am not telling you that!" I exclaim out of embarrassment and the both boys start laughing.

"Anyways, have you seen signs of her throwing up, paleness, her weird cravings.." Blake explained and my eyes widened... I've seen all of those signs.. She's even been cranky and she hasn't asked me to get her some pain relievers for the month.

"I guess you have seen those signs..." Blake says weakly and I gulp...

Could Nessa be pregnant? 

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