~Chapter 24 part 1~

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A/N Sorry guys for not posting last week I had two projects due one day after the other and my group for on project wasn't really cooperating and I haven't had any inspiration to write because I've been kind of down sometime this week but I'm better and I'm posting now! The chapter may not be as long and if I get time tomorrow I might post but don't count on it.

And for this chapter I kind of went out of my comfort zone a little so if things seem a little weird in the chapter its because of that.


"Do you ever wonder what our lives would be like in 10 or 20 years?" He asks me

I nod, "Yeah, I do.. I imagine us... I imagine us being married, having our kids and of course having our dream jobs. Where do you see us in 10 or 20 years?" I ask him

"I see us married, in our home.... Living happily together.... With no one and nothing to get in our way... I see four kids, two boys and two girls... The boys will my gorgeous looks and they will have your loving heart and they of course will inherit my sporty side. The girls will have your good looks and heart, no boys until their 30 of course..." He says and I smile and giggle.

"Aw, look at you being all protective. Our girls will be lucky to have a good dad like you" I say and lean up to kiss his cheek.

"And they will be so lucky to have an awesome mom like you... I swear.. I love you so freaking much it hurts Nessa"

"I love you to Jacob... So so freaking much, and he pulls me in for a kiss.

I smiled as we sway slightly to the music as we watch the sun set.


One month later...

Renessa's POV

After Jacob and I came back from the lake house, our bond was better and stronger than ever and that made me so happy!

Anyways, enough about my relationship, today is Cristina's birthday and Natalia and I are planning on throwing her a surprise birthday party at her house. The only problem is that she's inviting the whole school and this includes Mike and Jason.

Yep your heard right, Jason Dolley, the boy who played with my heart back in the day... I'm just so happy to him, oh and the dude who broke my heart because he was tryna 'protect' me...

But anyways back to the real reason that you guys are here right now...

Right so its two days before the party and I'm still pissed at Natalia and Cristina for inviting them into my life again... I just moved on with Jacob! Do thy even know what Jason did to me?! I think not..

So I'm right here with them in Cristina's room, with a planning book to help plan her party.

"So what color scheme are you guys thinking?" Natalia asks, while eating a handful of Skittles.

"Are you sure you wanna have a color scheme, your only having it in your house Tina." I told them, while scrolling through my phone on Instagram.

They both gasped. "What do you mean 'if she wants to have a color scheme! She only turns eighteen once Nessa" Natalia reasons with me and I roll my eyes on instinct.

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