~Chapter 19~

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"I just wanted to... um..." He looked at something behind me, smirked and then pushed his lips on mine harshly and held me on my waist tightly so I couldn't get away.

I screamed into his mouth and tried to push myself away... But he was too strong....

"What the hell is going on here?"


Renessa's POV

A loud booming voice finally made me have the strength to pull away from Mike and I'm met with sad green eyes..

"N-no Jacob... Its not what it looks like.." I told him and he just scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"That's what every cheater says Nessa." He says and walks off.

Ch-cheater? No! But he kissed me. I chased after Jacob and pulled him back, "What do you mean 'cheater'? MIKE kissed ME. Not the other way around... You know I love you and only you Jacob" I said, bringing my hands up to stroke his face gently.

For a moment he relaxed into my embrace but something clicked and he just went ballistic.

"That's not what I saw, I saw both of your lips on each others and him gripping you in the school hallway" he said pushing me off of him.

"B-but HE kissed ME. I was trying to get him off me." I said tears forming in my eyes.

He shook his head, "That's not what I saw..." He said skeptically.

"W-why don't you believe me..." I said, the tears spilling out of my eyes.

His face drooped as if he felt bad, but then it went back to being rigid.

"I think we should see other people Nessa" he said stepping closer to me, running his fingers through my hair.

"What?! Why? I haven't done anything wrong... And what happened to 'You will always have me' and 'I will never leave you' and 'I will always love you' huh? What happened to those things you said?" I argued.

"I said all of those things before... B-before you cheated." He said, trying to come closer to me but I backed away.

"For the last time I DIDNT CHEAT MIKE KISSED ME." I said exasperated.

"I want to believe you, I really really do.. But maybe we should just see other people.... For now.." He said, unshed tears filling in his eyes.

"Great, you were the last person I ever imagined doing this to me! So now I have nobody! Nobody at all to protect me and look after me. Your just like Caleb.. A loser who believes in rumors... I can't believe I ever trusted you with my love.. Because you and Caleb, BOTH broke my heart into shreds..." I told him tears running freely down my face.

I took of his bracelet and threw it at him, "I'll send back the bear and any other stuff you gave me tonight." I watched him as he picked up the bracelet and held it in his fingers.

"So does this mean were o-o- over?" He said stuttering and I let out a humorless laugh.

"Your the one who said we should go on a 'break' and 'see other people'" I stepped closer to him and patted his chest, "I'm just finishing the job for you..." I told him and walked off, in tears, with no one to talk to.

Cristina and Natalia are on a bouble date with their boyfriends. Great.

So I did the best thing that I could've done... I went home and ripped out every piece of my room wotht things that remind me of Jacob.

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