~Chapter 26~

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"Yes, I know that... But Nessie... We are stronger than this.. We can fight through this..." I take her hands and interlace our fingers.

She shakes her head, tears spilling out of her eyes, "N-No... J-Jakey.. W-we're changing... I-I've become more insecure..... I-I'm not the girl you u-used to love." She says and I shake my head.

"There's no 'used to love' Nessie.. I'm still unconditionally in love with you... We can fight through this Nessie..." I plead with her.

"M-maybe love isn't enough..." She says, looking at me in the eyes.

"W-what... What a-are you saying?" I stutter out... My words getting stuck in my throat.

"M-maybe.. Maybe we need a b-break" She turns away from me.


"Think about it.. We've been miserable.... Yes, we're completely in love with each other but.. but love isn't enough.. love isn't enough this time... We need to work out what we want... A-And if... And if we find our ways back to each other... T-then great..." She tells me and turns around.

"B-But.. But what about our baby..." I ask her, placing a hand over her growing baby bump and she smiles, sadly down at me.

"You can still come to the appointments... But.. but we just can't be together right now... I-I need to get over my insecurities before I can be together with you... I-I'm so sorry Jakey..." She says and I nod, sadly..

"Just remember that... that I love you.." She says.

"C-can I k-kiss you? O-One l-last t-time?" I ask and she leans up on her tippy toes, pressing her lips against mine.. One last time.

"Just in case there is no later..I love you too... Just remember that Nessie..." I tell her and she nods, pressing her forehead onto mine.

I kiss her forehead for the last time in a while, "Goodbye Nessie... I hope that we can get through this.."

I walk out her room and look back at her, she falls back onto her bed, sobbing loudly..

"Well?" Caleb asks.

"W-we b-broke up..." I sob and he looks at me sadly..

"I hope things get better for you" He tells me and I nod, walking out of the house.


Two weeks later.., Prom Day

Renessa's POV

Dear Diary, 

Today is prom and everyone is so hyped up, except me. It's so weird to not have Jacob here everyday, it feels different.. But it was for the best.. Ever since the break up we needed time apart from each other so we didn't see each other for about five days.... But everything is back to normal.

The friend, Gabrielle, she's nice.. But everyone can tell that she likes him... I mean, I get it. What's not to like about Jacob, he's the whole box for a perfect boyfriend. I know I told him that I need a break for a while, but I know he's not going to wait forever... There's a perfect girl out there for him... I'm too insecure for him.. It's better for me this way.. I need to get some serious help from a psychologist, then I can consider getting back together with him... If it's not to late.

Hopefully I'm not too late, because I will not let my baby grow up without his or her father... But honestly, I'm scared... 

Xo, Nessa 

I closed my diary and tucked it back into it's hiding place and picked up my phone and looked at my lock screen, that has been mocking me for these two weeks. I don't know why I haven't changed it yet.

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