~Chapter 25~

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A/N Picture above is how Renessa looks and that's how she goes shopping.


We bid our goodbyes to Cristina and her parents as we left and Jacob and I were hyped as we drove home. We talked about anything and everything.

He carried me up to my room again and I have no idea again and I tried to myself quiet as he carried me.

"Goodnight Nessie..." He rubs my stomach and kisses it and giggle, "Goodnight baby.. Just know that Daddy loves you.." I smile at this, he's already in love with out baby.

He gets up, "Now for the proper goodbye" He pecks my lips and my cheeks then waves back to me.

"Your whipped sis" Was my brother's reply from outside, as he peeped his head into my room and I scoff and throw a pillow at him but he dodges it by closing the door just before it could it him, laughing.

A/N (must read!)

Okay some people were asking me why Reina, mike, Rebecca and Caleb in jail yet. Well I was going to include it in my last two chapters but I forgot and the chapter would've been at least 6000 words and reading long chapter for some people can get really boring so I didn't include it... But they did in fact tell the police but, Renessa and Jacob went to court to testify against them. They weren't proven guilty get because they need proof so they are on probation.

Anyways with that said on with the story!


Two months later...

Renessa's POV

I am now twelve weeks pregnant (three months) and everything has been going kind of bumpy but, Jacob and I have made it through... Well at least I hope so.

Prom is in two weeks time and I have really been stressing on what to wear because I've been so insecure about what I wear now. I feel so fat but Jacob insures me that I'm not and I'm still his beautiful Nessa.

Speaking of Jacob, he hasn't asked me to the prom yet and its making me wonder lately.

So anyways I'm shopping for my prom dress with Cristina, Natalia and Rebecca.

We went into H&M in the dress aisle and they immediately split up to fine their dresses.

Ten minutes later...

Cristina came, "Nessa! Major fashion crisis! Which one? Blue Princess?" She held a princess blue dress against her and struck a pose.

Cristina came, "Nessa! Major fashion crisis! Which one? Blue Princess?" She held a princess blue dress against her and struck a pose

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"Or, Straight blue?" She held a straight blue dress against her body and made the same pose.

"Or, Straight blue?" She held a straight blue dress against her body and made the same pose

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