~Chapter 5~

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I kissed him back and he pulled away and looked into my eyes, silently asking if I got the message.


He looked into my eyes, searching- no pleading- to see if I got the message..

When truly, no doubt, I got the message. But as I opened my mouth, Christina and Kyla burst through the door chanting, "Mike and Renessa sitting in a tree.... K-"

Wow, my friends have the WORST timing in the History of worst timing. I swear its like they put a camera on me just to mess with me.

"H-hey uh.....Nes. I just realized that...I have to d-do this t-thing. S-see you later." He stumbled out.

After he got to the door he ran like the police was chasing him...

I pulled at my hair in frustration... "Why the hell did you do that for?!" I yelled at them.

They held up their 'Mikessa' signs and gave me a sad look. But there was a hint of happiness in one of there eyes...

"You'll be lucky if he even talks to me again.." I gritted and stormed outside.

They have the worst timing ever.
Some may think that I'm over reacting but I've never had any luck with boys, and for one of them to come out and say that they like me is a big deal for me...

For the whole day I've been rehearsing what to say to Mike.. I've been so nervous that he changed his mind.

With Mike....

Right now I'm freaking over something.... I finally kissed Nes but then Christiana and Kyla came in and made it awkward so I told her that I had 'something' to do... Gosh I'm so stupid.. I gave her the impression that I don't like her...

Oh geez... I kissed her... What if she doesn't feel the same way?

'She kissed back you idiot'

But what if it was an 'In the moment kind of thing?'

"Look at me, I'm here... talking to myself... Like an old mad man."


There goes my phone...Again from the same 'My Princess' person....

My Princess:

I want you to stop speaking to Renessa. I love you why can't you see that Mikey? 💞 💓

Ughh!! Who the hell is this person?? Can't they see I'm NOT INTERESTED?

"What do I do? What do I do? Serenade her with gifts? Give her a surprise?-"

"Wow Mike, going mad already? At 17?" Her voice instantly broke me out of my 'state'

"Oh h-hey Nes...... Didn't see you there..." I nervously stammered out.

"S-so... Who's the girl?" She asked so nervous.... It's so adorable..

I smiled slightly, smirking, "Jealous?" I nudged her shoulder.

She blushed and looked down at her hands. I lifted up her chin with my index finger and made her look into my eyes.. "You never gave me your answer Nes" I spoke so quietly that it was barely a whisper.

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