The note

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I can't believe it! She said she loves me!

'You mean she loves us.'

'Yeah yeah.' This is the best day of my life now that she said those three words. Nothing could go wrong.


I don't know why but, I felt like someone was present in my room. Crazy, right?

"Hey, Marcie, do you feel like someone was here?"

"Sure I'll go to the mall tomorrow."

"Uh. Will you go to the pit of fire?"

"Sure I'll do the dishes."

It's been like this all day. Her and Henrick have been texting non-stop ever since they met and I wouldn't be surprised if they mark today on their date.

"Ok that's enough phone time for you." I got up and snatched her phone away.


"Yessss! I was asking you if you feel like someone was here."

"Actually, yes. I noticed your mirror is gone. I just thought you got rid of that old thin-- I mean beautiful, young thing."

"Yeah, ok." I looked around for 20 minutes and still didn't find the mirror.

"Marcie! I can't find it! But I found a note."

"Read it!"

'Hello Valthea, remember me? I remember you. I also remember something horrible you did that I will DESTROY you for! You watch, I'll tear away everyone you love leaving your MATE for last. And don't think I'm alone, I have help as well. Watch your back Valthea, I'll be back...'

"Uh, Val, I don't think this is a 'I threw out your mirror' note."

"Ya THINK?! This is bad! Call everyone one and tell them to meet me downstairs for a meeting."

"Got it."

20 minutes. I was standing in the kitchen for twenty minutes and still no one showed up. Where were they?

I eventually tracked them down to the basement playing video games. And it wasn't like they were playing black ops 3 or anything, but they were playing Mario cart!

I mean if they were going to ditch me for something else they should make it worth ditching for.

"Guys! Why are you down here? I had Marcie come and tell you guys to meet me in the kitchen."

"What? Marcie didn't call us."

"But I just saw-- hold on. Follow me." I quickly ran to my room with everyone hot on my tail.

Once I got inside my room I smelt Marcie's blood. Oh that's not good.

"I smell her blood."

"You're not the only one Henrick."

"Val, there's a note on your bed."

"Another one?!"

"Wait what do you mean another one?"

"I'll explain later. For now open the note and read what it says."

"On it."

Slowly, Nico started to open the note and had a confused look on his face.

'So Valthea, enjoyed your friend's blood? Don't worry, she's not dead, only unconscious. Remember I said I will take away everyone you love? Next is your brother... ta ta!'

"Jace!" I turn around and notice he's not there.

"Where he go? He was just here!"

"Guys we need to find out who this is."

"No really? I thought we were going to throw a party and sing Kumbaya!"

"No need to be sarcastic. Ok, so is there any way we could sample the DNA?"

"Don't think so. The smell would be on this paper... but it's not. It smells almost like Marcie but not exactly like her's."

This made me think. Why would the letter smell almost like Marcie? Unless...
No! I can't think like that or else something is going to go wrong.

"Val can I speak to you outside?"

"Sure Nico."

"Ok what'd you want to talk about?"

"I know you know who did it."

"What do you mean?"

"You forgot to block out your thoughts. I heard you almost say it."

"Ugh. Fine. I'll tell you who I know has that smell. My first guess was Jackson but he's dead, and my last guess is--"

"Guys get back in here, we caught a whiff of Jace's smell."

"Wait a sec! Ok as I was saying, the person who's scent that was is--"


A/N: so, yeah it's a cliffhanger and short but I REALLY wanted to leave it there. I know, how evil :). Also, if you guys have any questions you want to ask me, ask them in the comments! And I'll have a chapter before the end of the book that I'll answer them!

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