Who's the guy? Unfaithful

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Marco Pov
I was heading towards Stars house since my mom wanted me to bring her Mexican cookies I didn't mind I haven't really seen her since Jackie came into town well a couple days ago, which was weird but let's push that aside. As I reached her house I saw her locked lips with a random dude? When did this happen? But as she moves away she looks hesitant "Was that too forward? It was in the moment I'm sorry"

I didn't know what happened to me but I snapped and threw the cookies and walked home as I arrived I realize, I got jealous for a random guy? Why did I when I have a beautiful girlfriend by my side "Babe, is that you how's star doing?" Jackie asked coming out of bathroom with a towel around her head "She's fine" I said and walked passed her and entered my room, what's wrong with me, I should be happy for her, she found someone that could make her happy, and I was just there to be her friend well best friend..

"Marco, what's wrong? You seem out of it" I sigh and pull Jackie closer and hold her tight "It's nothing, I'm just a little tired that's all, I swear" she ran her fingers through my messy chestnut brown hair "Alright, just wanted to make sure your okay" I smiled at her and kissed her quick "I'm okay, don't worry okay"

she nods and we head to bed, but I couldn't sleep and all I wanted was answers from Star on who the heck was that guy? She never talked about a guy she liked, she would always say she rather stay single then be with someone, I looked over at the time, it was midnight and I slowly move Jackie's arm off me and go for a walk, maybe it could relax me

As I walked I noticed I passed by Stars house about like 15 times and each time I looked at her window, but it was dark I just wished she was awake as I started to walk I heard Dark's barking "Junior, shush people are sleeping and I'm not allowed outside at this time" I smirked at her, her hair was in a messy bun and she was in a oversized T-shirt which I assume belonged to Tom "Hey Star"

she jumped a bit before reaching her gate "Marco? What are you doing out so late?" I move closer and look at her, I blush a bit and shake my thoughts "I couldn't sleep, and I wanna know who that guy who kissed you earlier" she made an embarrassed expression and blushed "Oh, that's Caleb..we're kinda seeing each other..it's a weird situation"

she said almost stuttering "Oh, I don't know a Caleb? Where you guys met?" I said kinda bluntly "At my group sessions, Marco are you mad or something because the way you said it made me fee like you are upset with me" I scoffed and shook my head "Of course not! Why would I be mad?!" I whispered yelled and she jumped a bit and I'm kinda regretting it now "Why are you yelling? Why do you care who this guy is when you have a beautiful girlfriend at home"

I was shocked, when she finally said it "I care because I don't want a random guy hurting you, that's why..I'm going home night Star" I left her glaring at me with an upset look, I knew I shouldn't have flipped out on her like that but I just don't want her to break down like the time with Tom which was a misunderstanding,

as I stopped at the stop sign I look back and she's gone, that's the last thing I wanted to do with her, was argue over a random guy ugh my damn feelings are all over wack "Marco, where were you?" I saw Jackie on the couch with a blanket, man she's worried about me "I went for a walk, I'm sorry Jackie" I sat by her and lay my head on her lap while she messed with my hair "It's okay"

Star Pov
I heard his footsteps leave and I groan in annoyance, why was he so rude I thought he was sweet and caring, and plus he's not the boss of me because he isn't my boyfriend..that word lingered a bit in my head, Marco isn't my boyfriend he's only my best friend well I don't know anymore, he sounded jealous when I told him of Caleb but what am I to do?

Follow Marco around like a lovesick puppy when he's happy with a girl that's probably a 10! Why out of all people he cares who I date, he hasn't met Caleb well me either and we're just talking not that serious, I made it more clear for him "That thought kills me.." Marco jealous of a boy he barely knows and also me as well, maybe I should hear his actions and words more closely even though he sounded nice but it could be an act for all I care.

I went to bed and slept for a while as it turned into day I went to mother to take me over to Caleb's and she agreed, as we get there I hear mother sigh and pout and I wonder what she's looking at "Mother, what's wrong?" She sounded like it would hurt me "How should I say this without hurting you...Caleb is kissing his ex right now..I'm sorry Star"

I giggled a bit but because I knew Marco was right, a random stranger kisses you and expect them to be faithful "Dear, why are you laughing?"  I'm gonna do something so bad and embarrassing that he never talks to me again "Nothing mother, take me home I had enough today"

she grabs my hands and kissed them "it's alright dear, he wasn't the one, such a animal and disgraceful" I tune out her rant and I thought about the plan and how it's gonna play out, oh I can't wait to hear his screams and yells..be prepared

A/n hello everyone thanks for the positive feedback and I thank everyone who likes this and also Caleb isn't staying so long, because he's a unfaithful animal, how could you say you claim to love her if your smacked lips with your ex that left you or did she even leave you? Anyways I might put a chapter of Caleb's Pov but I'm not sure I just want the planning part ψ(`∇´)ψ

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