Who Controls My Future?

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Marco Pov
As I left star and walked towards Jackie she looked behind me to check who I was talking to "Who was speaking with you?" I shrug "Myself, come on let's go back in" I held her hand and interlock it with mine, as we talked and joked with my family I was wondering what Star could be doing? After a while my mother called everyone to the table for dinner and I sat by my cousins and Jackie's parent's

"I'm happy everyone came, and as well as my sons girlfriend parents, welcome to my home again" they nodded and thanked her, and we heard her speech go on and on and soon we started to eat, after that we stayed and made room for desserts "I'm too full, look at my stomach Marco" I looked down and began laughing a bit with her "I look pregnant" she giggles and I stop, that wasn't really funny to be joking about, that scares me "Marco?"

I excused myself from the table and went to my backyard to our bench under the tree, I lay my head back and feel a slight breeze passing through and I heard giggles as I forgot Star lived behind us, it was probably her cousins or someone else "I can't do that, he loves her so much and I doubt they'll ever break up" that voice sounded very familiar "So, the future can change and when they do, swoop right in"

I didn't know the other voice "Even if it did I wouldn't do that, Marco deserves to be happy, even if it means I'm not in the picture" I blush a bit 'Star, time for dessert!' Her mother yelled and they took off and I slowly got up, Star might actually have a crush on me but doesn't want ruin anything, she's so sweet it hurts me "Marco, dessert honey" I walk towards the house while I look at hers, I sigh I won't let it get to me,

When the party was over we drove home in silence well Jackie was half asleep and looked like she regretted something she said "Marco, I'm sorry for earlier about you know, it was a serious topic and I didn't want you to get upset, I just should've used my words carefully" I sigh and held on her hand

"It's alright, it's just all that is too soon you know and I don't want that right now and if you were then I wasn't going to be okay..just choose your words carefully" she nods and sits back in the seat while I pull up to my apartment, as we entered, Jackie started kissing my chest inching closer to my neck and face, I knew exactly what she wanted and I wasn't really up for it "Not tonight" she sigh "Marco I'm leaving tomorrow morning..please?"

I shook my head "Sorry.." she groans and locks herself in my bedroom and I stay on the couch, I shake my head, Jackie wasn't this needy what's gotten into her? I kicked my shoes off and got comfortable on the couch and closed my eyes, maybe I'm overlooking everything and what I heard earlier but I can't let that stop me..

The next morning it was 7 am and I heard Jackie shuffling around trying not to wake me but she did "Jackie?" She looks at me and hugs me "I love you, and I pushed your buttons last night and I'm sorry" I kissed her forehead and hugged back

"It's okay, come on let's take you to the airport" she nods and I drive there, we talked a bit until she brought up marriage and I kinda froze a bit "Do you even want to get married?" I shrugged "maybe, but not too soon, you still have college and so am I, and then a stable job and then all that afterwards, it's gonna take some time..where is this coming from?" She blushed and held her head low

"My parents..and a little bit me,Marco I know I've known you for years now before we even started dating, if you add those up, it's like what 6 or more? It's gonna be 3 years this December" I nodded "I know, why do you want that? Want to show off a ring to people that your married, Jackie were like 21 years old, we should live a little you know" she groans a bit

"Maybe I do want a ring, what then Marco?" I shrug my shoulders as I focus on the road "Then, you'll wait.." the car fell silent and I didn't turn towards her and as we arrived I parked the car "If you love me, you'll wait for me when I'm ready, if not then I'm sorry I'm not the man you deserve" she looked at me and kissed me quick

"I'll wait, love you Marco see you in December" she hopped off and grabbed her bags before giving me multiple kisses "Have a safe trip, call me when you land" she waves and walks away, this topic has been so out of hand that it drives me nuts, my future isn't fully understandable until I guide it, and my final goal is to get married not now probably 6 years from now or so

As I make it down home I stopped in front of Star's house where I see her sitting under a tree on a swing with Junior on her lap and Lilly at her feet "Afternoon Star" I saw a smile appear on her face and I sat by her "Hey, where is Jackie?" "She went home, her stay was just for a couple days, she'll be back next month don't worry okay" she giggles and I see junior asleep

"Okay, she sounded wonderful, she's a really lucky girl to have you Marco" I looked at Star, I couldn't read her like she's all happy and filled with joy now but last night she talked about her not being with me? "Star, how was your dinner party?" She sighs "It was alright, it got boring towards the end, but my neighbor came over and chatted with me a bit, how about you?" I chuckled

"It went good, hey want to take a ride in my new car?" Her eyes were wide open when she turned her face at me "You have a car?! Of course I do, we should get some milkshakes or something?" I laughed and rolled my eyes playfully "Alright Butterfly, let's go" she giggles and we hop in my car and we go around just like a said, we sang along with the radio and told jokes and random things we heard, I was having a great time..wasn't I having a great time with Jackie?

A/n hello yeah been a while but I finally updated this part and I hoped you enjoyed it, also I'm stressing with my finals in college and I should be studying but I can't ( ´_ゝ') I get distracted easily lol anyways bye

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