Star the Babysitter

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Star pov
After Jackie finally came home from the hospital Marco has been trying to be there for her and the baby and I even tried, but I don't want to intrude because I might mess up or something "Hey Star, Marco come on in Jam is taking a nap" we entered and sat down

"Well I came to drop off things for him..I'm looking after him this weekend right?" My heart races a bit, Marco watching a baby on the weekend which he spends time with me? "Yeah I gotta find a job, thanks to the both of you for helping out" she hugs me but I didn't react which made the room tense

"Star? You okay girl?" I nod slowly "Marco can we talk for a moment" Marco leaves my side and  I sit there alone thinking this weekend is going to be crazy and maybe a little annoying depending how well the baby is and how well I can manage "I have to use the bathroom, can you bring me towards it?"

I felt Jackie hand and she pulled me as we want down the hall  She stops me and gave me a tight hug "I'm sorry..I never knew" I sigh realizing Marco told her "It's okay Jackie it's in the past, excuse me" she opens the door and I enter and lock myself in the bathroom a bit annoyed that he told her my past when he shouldn't but also glad she knows "This might be harder then I thought"

When Marco dropped me off at my place he held my hand "I'm sorry I told" I shake my head "Its fine..bye marco" I pulled my hand away and walked quickly to my house, i could tell Marco probably feels bad but it's whatever I don't care..


I stayed over Marcos house because he needed help with James and I thought it was going to be easy but it's not! He cried every other hour, he was extremely fussy and he would cry louder whenever I held him, it made me want to cry!

I was so tired tired but I wanted to help Marco out but I can tell he was getting tired of it as well "Some on Jam it's okay, what do you want?" I say on Marcos bed exhuasted and I rolled my arm over the bed to find his pacifier, as I grabbed it

I walked towards Marco and the baby and placed it in his mouth and he was soon quiet "How did you-" "I'm tired..I'm sleeping on the living room" I left the bedroom and laid on the couch and wrapped myself in a blanket and drifted off to sleep, but it didn't last long when

I heard the crying again at 7 am and I wanted to rip my head off "Marco.." I groan and tear up a bit and I sat up thinking if this was a good idea? Staying here helping my boyfriend who needs help? Maybe? Who knows but I know I won't have anytime with him because of little Jam.

As it hit the afternoon Marco collapsed right next to me on the couch and his head was on my lap "I'm so...tired" he says and I giggle a bit "I bet you are..I'm sorry I couldn't help" he grabbed my hand and kisses it "It's okay, this is just too much for you and I don't blame you" I smiled and nodded him, when I backed away he smelled like baby spit up

"Marco you need a now" I scrunch my nose at him and I heard him chuckle "Ew I do..but I'm kinda comfy laying here with you" I blushed a bit and looked away "You can cuddle back when you smell good and your hair is nicely washed smelling like coconuts"

he chuckles a bit and gets up and kisses me again which is a little bit longer than usual "How do you still manage to smell like cupcakes and vanilla?" I smiled a bit  "I don't know..but Marco you really do smell" we laugh a bit and I can feel him nod "Yeah your probably right..when I come back I'll make us some brunch?" I nodded

"Yeah that sounds good" he kissed me once more and disappeared down the hall and I was alone in the living room hearing the birds chirp from outside, i walked towards the window getting fresh air, as I take a deep breath I heard a small cry..please let it be someone else?

I walked towards Marcos room and opened the door I heard tiny breathing and something shuffling and I heard a hiccup and a small cry was followed, i walked towards the bed and held him and he seemed to stop, i grabbed his bottle and slowly went to give him some and he took it, after he was done I burped him and held him until he was okay,

i slowly put him in my arms and have him a look "So you like me now?" I felr his chubby cheeks and smiled a bit and I kissed his little hands and I decided to take him with me to the living room when I got there I placed him in a bouncy I grabbed a little toy and played with him on the floor,

i felt his hand wrap around my pinky and I smiled a bit and had tears forming but I wiped them away, as I sat there with him I heard Marco leave the bathroom into the living room "Star?" Inturn and look up "He woke up..but Hey he's not crying this time" he chuckles and sits beside us "He keeps looking at you" I looked at Marco "What faces is he making?"

"He's just looking at you, wondering how unique you are" I blushed at Marco "Nice try Marco, can you make food I'm kinda hungry" he chuckles and kisses my cheek "Alright.." he leaves and I stay with Jam "I wish I could see you.." I whispered the last part while I lay on the sofa

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