Girl Time with Jackie

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Star pov
I woke up to small hands on my face, as i open my eyes I see Jam looking at me "Morning buddy, I'm so glad your back" he chuckles and feels my belly "Baby?" I nodded "Yeah your brother or sister is in there" he smiles "I want a brother" I chuckled "We'll see"

as I got up I noticed how much bigger I looked, my shirt showing my belly as I tried pulling it down. I'm getting big "Ugh I hate this" as I walked behind Jam I saw a container with pancakes and eggs "Guess your dad left us breakfast" jam smirked and climbed up the chair as I heated it up for him

"Here you go, careful it's hot" as I placed the plate and grabbed my breakfast which is fruits "What do you want to do today?" I asked as he looked at me chewing on his food. He shrugs

"Don't know huh?" I sigh as my phone went off, another photo posted of Jantom..seems their having fun..

As i look through my phone I didn't noticed Jam was opening the fridge for orange juice "Oh I'm sorry, let me get that for you" he handed me his cup and I pour in the juice. "Star" he said as I look I see Jackie walk in "Oh you scared me, here to pick up jam?" She nods

"Yeah, and also to take you shopping, you are gonna need more new clothes since your now gaining baby weight" I sigh and nod "You don't have to" "Nonsense, you were there when I gave birth to Jam in the elevator and I'll be there for you as well"

I smiled and gave her a hug "Thanks Jackie, well the only thing that fits me is leggings and Marcos hoodies" she giggles "Well go on and change, and we'll head out" I nod and find a shirt and a pair of black leggings and Marcos red hoodie.

I quick braided my hair to the side and met up with Jackie in the living room. She was putting Jams shoes on "Ready?"

I nodded as we got to her car it felt weird because I didn't know Jackie drove or even had a car? "New car?" "Yeah, Eric bought it for me..I told him not to but he didn't listen" I smile

"He really likes you Jackie" "He loves me.." she blushes as we stopped at a red light "Do you feel like he's the one?" She shrugs "Not sure yet, we only been together for a couple months or so..we're taking it slow"

I nod "That's good, planning on having another kid?" She shakes her head "No, not until Jam is at least 6 or older" we laugh a bit

"So, what about you? You and Marco going to tie the knot?" I sigh "I don't know? I want to but that's rushing us and we're already having a baby before it" she chuckles

"Look at me Star, I had James before I was married and I'm happy. I met a guy who likes me and my son, cares about my feelings and understands me, having a baby before your married isn't a bad thing you know.."

I nod as I rubbed my belly "That's true.." Jackie smirked at me before talking again "So, do you guys know the gender?" I smiled and nod "Yes we do but Marco and I decided to do a gender reveal party in a few months" "That sounds like fun, oh I can't wait" we chat some more before we got to the mall. As we did jam held my hand along with Jackies

"So, Eric is doing well with Jam?" She nods "He is, and I like the way he tries to be there for him like sorta a stepdad? I don't mind that I just think Jam shouldn't think he's another dad when he has Marco" I nod "Well I'm basically a step mom to Jam? Your fine with that?"

"I know that, it's because we got to know each other more and I found trust in you, Eric just came in my life and is trying to win my trust when it takes time you know?" I nod "Oh now I understand" she nods

"he's not bad it's just, what if we break up and then Jam asks what happened? And then I gotta explain to him that he needed to go? So I want this relationship to be a good one of a great one" I smile at her

"I think he's fine, besides Eric bought you a freaking car! I got a body pillow which is taking Marcos attention away..." I blushed remebering Marcos annoyed face

"Oh..the body pillow, not trying to be up in your business but have you two? You know?" She held a smirk and I giggled "Yeah sometimes, when he isn't busy or has a rough day.." I say blushing thinking of Marco

"You sly girl" we laughed and I asked Jackie the same "What about you?" She bit her bottom lip before she answers "Probably once or twice, i tell him not when jam is around which is all the time" I nod

"Oh, do you have time to?" She nods "Of let's look for clothes for you" I nod and we enter a maternity store, I saw so many pregnant bellies in one place and they were twice the size as me, it reminded me of Jackies Stomach

"Hey? You okay?" I sigh and take a deep breath "Yeah, just remember how big your belly was for Jam" Jackie smiled as she ruffled James hair a bit

"Oh, I felt like this before..don't worry you'll be fine just gonna be asked questions on how far you are and random baby facts they usually say. Stay close by me" I nodded and stuck by Jackie like glue. Jackie picked out a couple oufits and we went to try them on.

The first outfit was a peach dress that showed off my bump and I actually liked it, I kept posing making Jackie and Jam laugh a bit "What do you guys think?" "I like it what about you?" Jam held a smirk and nods "You like it?" He nods as he runs towards me and hugs me

"Aw what an adorable couple" a woman with short black hair came out of the dressing rooms "Oh no-" "My partner is out there with our son as well, how far are you?" I looked at Jackie who was holding in a laugh

"I'm 7 months a 2 weeks" the woman smiled and looked down at my stomach "May I touch your belly?" I nervously chuckled and nodded "Sure" after a few minutes she left and I heard a thud.

When I look it was Jackie holding her stomach from all the laughter she was holding "Mommy! Mommy!" Poor jam was pulling her up and I just left her and tried on few different ones.

After an hour I bought a new wardrobe for myself and Jackie was still giggling "Jackie its not that funny" "Okay..okay I'll stop, but she thought we were together" she bursted out laughing again and I shake my head as I stopped and felt the baby kick

"Oh..that hurts" I held on the car and Jackie immediately stopped and rushed to my side "Star, are you okay? Do we need to go to the hospital?" I shook my head as I took a deep breath

"No, I'm fine the baby just kicked me a little hard, want to feel?" I pulled her hand to where the baby was kicking "Whoa, I miss having a baby bump but then I don't because this one kept me up all night" Jackie said as she attacked him with kisses

"it keeps you up all night?" She nods "Yeah more or less depends on the baby.. I'm pretty sure Jam is gonna be the one who doesn't socialize with many people, he keeps to himself not something me or Marco are. It runs in my family so.."

I nod, I hope our baby is the most socialists thing ever, I'm pretty friendly and so is Marco besides our off days when we don't even look at each other "Hey Jackie before you take me home, can we go out and eat?" She smiles and nods "Sure thing" as we got in the car I got a text from Marco

(Marc❤- How's shopping?)

(Star😻- an experience..)

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