7 months and Reveal

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A/n fast forward it so we can figure out what's going on like who's the baby father and what happens now? Anyways tell me what you thought and leave comments later 😊 kinda short I know but will write more in the next part

Marco pov
I woke up to the sound of knocking at my door and I quickly went to answer as I did it was Jackie and her enormous belly, I smiled a bit and she looked at me kinda odd "Marco, would you mind doing DNA testing to make sure the baby is or isn't yours?" I gave her a weird look trying to process what she just asked and I nodded "When is it?"

"Next week..I kinda called the other person I hooked up with he will be there too, if you want just bring Star to keep you at ease its all kinda weird when it happens" I nodded "Alright..what are you having? I'm sorry I haven't kept up with you" I say trying to make this less awkward

"A Boy..I'm kinda excited that it is" she smiles and I noticed how long her hair has gotten and how much older she kinda looked "Sure is..well see you next week right?" She nods "Yeah..yeah Next week don't be late okay?"

I nodded and she left and I closed the door, I was kinda excited but also scared what if the baby is mine what then? I can't be ditching Star for Jackie and the baby? But if the baby isn't mine then I'll feel a bit hurt and maybe a little left out I don't know..

As the day went on i decided to take star out for some milkshakes "So Jackie is having a boy?" I sigh "Yeah" I say silently "Marco do you want a kid?" I turned towards star who looked out the window "What did you say?"

She turns towards me "Do you want kids now or in the future?" I didn't know if the kids mine then I gotta own up if not then maybe wait a couple more years

"Eventually..what about you?" She giggles and sighs softly "I do..but I'm afraid that I wouldn't be a good mom" I slowly held her hand and kissed them "You'll be a great mom, don't doubt yourself" she smiles and we continue on when we get there.

A couple weeks later~

After a long day my mind kept drifting to the DNA meeting, I'm meeting the guy that possibly knocked my ex up when we were together, so many thoughts of if it is mine or his..no matter what the outcome I'll have to except it no matter what just like always "Marco Diaz, please come in"

I looked at the woman with a brief case and I felt stars hand tighten on me "Relax, I'm here" I smiled and we entered the room, Jackie sat at the top while the other guy was across from me with his hands on the table tapping the pen

"Alright after collecting the data and getting the sample from the baby and potential father's it has come to this-" "Wait! Before you tell us, if the baby is mine I will try to be there for the baby I'm sorry that I got you knocked up or not"

Jackie nods feeling a little uncomfortable "Thanks Mike..continue Abby" the woman cleared her throat and pulled the paper, we all looked nervous and I looked at Mike who was on the edge of his seat

"The Father is.." the suspense was killing me and I just wanted to know "Abby please just tell us" Jackie asked impatiently "Right sorry, the father of your child is...Marco" "What?!"

Everyone said surprised which made me kinda happy and a little unhappy because I wasn't careful "Congrats I'll be on my way I guess" Mike said as he left a little heart broken and Jackie was in tears as I looked at star she was silent and holding into the chair

"Your going to be a father.." Star said silently and moved away and walked out the room and waited in the waiting room "Jackie.." "Its cool Marco, I just want you to be happy and to be part of his life okay?" I nodded and smiled "Okay.."

she slowly got up holding her stomach and walked by me "Oh I moved out of Janna's house I live downtown in a apartment complex, second floor room apartment 421 I would like for you to come to the baby shower next month..if you want?" I nodded

"Yeah I'll be there" she nods and waves and I walk slowly towards star who's processing everthing "Marco your going to be a dad..this is going to be weird right what if the baby doesn't like me whenever Jackie leaves him over your place?" I chuckle a bit

"Star, the baby won't hate you until he gets to know you and he grows up seeing you everyday" she sighs "Don't day that, babies can hate people.." I rolled my eyes "Come on Star, you need some air"

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