Under the weather

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Star pov
I woke to pain in my stomach and I didn't understand why? Marco even checked online to see the symptoms I have and it kinda leads to a medical condition and I really don't want that to be my answer.

I've been eating less hard and rough food for a couple weeks now and to say I'm doing okay surprisingly, my mother says I looked swollen around my face but when I looked I looked fine and normal.

Marco even insisted that I take a pregnancy test to make sure if this was my reason but it all came back negative, which kinda was a bummer for the both of us.

The next day I stayed over Marcos place and was watching over Jam,  every once or awhile I'll feel ill or even just not right and he even notice as he placed his hand on my face "I'm fine Jam, I promise" he tilted his head and sat beside me and lay down on my lap.

Just feeling loved by a child makes me feel good but not enough for this pain to go away. A couple hours later Marco came back from work and decided to take to the hospital because I looked worse way before this started,  I didn't even have the energy to defend myself so he helped me into the car and drove us there.

As we checked in I looked around seeing women with pregnant bellies and I got that sting feeling in my heart or I felt like throwing up which what happened. I ran towards the bathroom and did exactly I've been doing for a few weeks "Star, are you okay?" 

Marco knocked on the door wondering if I'm okay or not "I'm..okay" I washed my hands and face and just wrapped myself onto Marco who held me gently "Come, they called you when you ran off" I nodded and followed,  it was quiet going into a room and seeing posters of babies and mothers and the body just made queezy and just not good

"Hello I'm doctor Quinn,  what seems to be the problem?" I looked at her she looked to be in her mid 30s she had black hair and green eyes "What's wrong with me? I throw up everything I love and keep the things I don't like? Its not a disorder right?"

I asked a little worried on the answer "Relax Ms Butterfly,  we'll do some test on you and check if your not pregnant or whatnot" I sigh "I'm sure I'm not pregnant I took the test like 4 times they all came back negative"

I said sounding a little disappointed "Well, some test don't really show so we will check by your urine sample and 99% of the time couples are pregnant, so don't be too disappointed alright?" I had slight hope but I knew its probably a 50/50 chance that I will be.

After blood samples and checking my body she left and I was kinda nervous,  what if its some cancer I have or disorder that I can't control? I try to relax and look at Marco who's been holding my hand the whole time and leaving small kisses on my head

"Star, I know your freaking out just relax okay? I know how scary this may seem but I'm going to be with you the whole time, I promise you" I smiled and kissed him "Your a great guy marco, thank you for always being there for me" we giggle as we wait on the doctor, 

what seems like hours she comes back with a neutrol face and I could feel my nerves kicking in "Alright the tests for the disorder came back negative so your okay,  just need to stay hydrated and eat right for awhile and no alcohol use whatsoever okay?" I nodded

"Of course, I never drink anyways" she chuckles a bit and stops and stays silent for a bit which kinda alarmed me and Marco "Anything else?" Marco asked impatiently "Marco" he shrugs "The pregnancy test.." I nodded slowly along with Marco who looked liked he was going to through something at her at any moment

"Yes, the pregnancy test" I said sounding slightly annoyed "Well,  you have to wait for a couple more minutes I don't have the answer for you just yet" I sigh and Marco groans "What kind of hospital or clinic is this? I'm going to take a walk,  I'll be back star"

he kissed my head and left and the doctor smiles at me "Why are you smiling at me?" She walks towards me "Your lucky to have a boyfriend like him,  not a lot of people are that supportive"

I smile a bit and sigh "I'm lucky that I found him" without Marco I would've found someone completely different and I wouldn't met his wonderful parents and family and all they've done for me

"I'll be back,  I'm going get your results" I nod and she was gone as I stay in the closed room I watched the door and heard the ticking of the clock "I'm back, how you feeling?" Marco returned with a water bottle "alright I guess, just a little hungry" he chuckles and stands by me

"We'll go get something to eat afterwards" I nod as I was going to say something the doctor came back "Hello you two, I'm back and the results" I say up hoping the news is good "And?" I asked looking at her "It came out positive, so congrats"

my jaw dropped and Marco hugged me in tight embrace "What? It's positive but all the test we took were negative how?" She sighs "Like I told you before some test are not that accurate, so your 6 weeks along" I didn't know how to react,  happy and excited or just shocked?

"Star, you're going be a mom" Marco said as he held a huge smile on his adorable face "That's why you've been rejecting the food you love, I guess your body doesn't want the things you want" I'm still shocked and all this is too much "I think I'm going to be sick" she reached for the bin and I puked

"So I'll see you two in a couple weeks to check the progress alright?" I nodded as I wiped my mouth "Like I said keep hydrated and eat the opposite of what you normally eat, have a good day and congrats"

she left and I looked at Marco who looked a little worried "Are you alright? Aren't you happy? Having a baby together?" I hold my stomach and giggle "I'm beyond excited but I'm still in shock..I'm getting another chance at being a mom" he pulled my face and kissed my head "I'm glad"

After getting smoothies, my mood changed from feeling like crap into my cheery self and it made Marco excited "Your going to be a dad again" he nods "I know,  guess Jam is going to be a big brother" we chuckled a bit and I bit my bottom lip

"Hey, let's keep this under wraps for now" Marco nodded "Of course, until your belly starts showing more" I looked down and nodded "Yeah..ready?" He held my hands and kissed it "Always"

A/n I knew some of you knew where I was going but yet you don't know the gender and what I'm planning so keep guessing and hoped you liked this part

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