It's a...

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Star Pov
I woke up at 7 in the morning because I wanted pancakes and strawberries drizzled with chocolate syrup. But then I realise after I eat it all up I'm probably gonna throw it back up "Listen kid, this was my body first and I eat what I like, you can't be rejecting it if you don't like it so be a good to me and let me eat, please I haven't had pancakes in months"

I felt it kick and I smirk "Thanks" as I went back to the room to ask Marco to make them, Marco scared me when he came out of the bathroom "Star? Where did you go?" "Marco! I was hungry..I was looking for you so you can make me pancakes with strawberries and chocolate syrup?" He sighs

"When I make it you better not feel sick afterwards you won't be okay for the baby shower later, we want to reveal to everyone what we're having?" I smiled as I rubbed my belly "I know, I just really want pancakes"

he chuckles as he pulls me closer "Alright, let's make you those pancakes" I giggled as we walked towards the kitchen, I helped him make it but not without my belly getting in the way "Star, go sit and I'll finish this" I pout but listen to him. As i wait I heard the front door open and I knew it was either my parents or Marcos so I stay put when I saw both our mother's

"Good morning kids, so about the shower" angie said smiling before my mother interrupted "Will be held at my house in the back, my hard is wide and big" "Well Moon, I think we show have it at in a building where we can stay longer if we like?" They two women started going at each other and I had to stop it "Enough!"

They looked at me before Marco walks in checking of I'm fine "I actually wanted the baby Shower here in my home.." Marco smiled kissing my head "But star wouldn't you want all your family members to come?"

"I want you and dad to come and maybe Destiny and others but not the whole family who are ashamed of me when I was blind. Angie I hope that is okay with you?" She smiles and nods "Of course it is..let me get started" angie disappeared along with Marco before mother came closer

"Star they weren't ashamed.." "Mother I heard them..the perks of being blind well when I was..they said awful and mean things about me and about you..'She should've left it to die' or 'Poor thing won't ever see' and many more and dad and Destiny are my family..please just come you guys that's all I ask mom"

mother smiles as she held my face "Look at you, when did you learn to grow up?" "I learned from you" she pulled me into a hug and I was grateful for it. After watching them move in things they setted up the backyard seeing it was the biggest part of the house. I are my breakfast while the dogs watched with me..

After seeing a lot of blue and pink I hope this gender reveal party goes good. And nothing goes wrong like they usually do. As i get dressed in my cute long peach dress i bought a couple days ago with Jackie, I was greeted by Jam and he hugged me "Hey how are you?" He held up a bag "Is this for me?" "No for baby" I chuckled

"Oh thank you where's mom and Eric?" He pulled me out my room and them on the couch waiting "Hey Jackie, nice seeing you Eric" Jackie hugs me and smiles "I think we came early?" Seeing people still move things in "Yeah but it's fine, come with me in the back area it's done they're just decorating"

Jackie nods and I pull them towards the back where everything was cute and simple but not really. Lots of light blue and pink everywhere that it was actually exciting "I hope it's a girl" Jackie said "Well we are having a game later on what the gender is so if you like come and play"

Jackie nods and I go towards the front of the house and see the guest arrive. I pulled them towards the side where the gate was for my yard "This way everyone, take a seat at a table and we'll be with you all" they nod before handing me the gifts. I almost lost balance if Marco didn't catch me

"Need help?" I giggled "My hero..yes I do, are our parents here?" "No my mom just left to get ready..your mom left as well?" I nodded and we brought the gifts to the table..there were a lot.

As the party was in full swing and our first game was gonna start. Everyone needed to guess how big my belly is, seeing my belly is actually bigger than before "I'm gonna win this.." some of my friends and Marcos said, we laughed a bit until I was embraced by Destiny "Star!" I screamed feeling so happy she came

"Look at you! You look so beautiful and look at that belly..congratulations You two" she hugged me again and I smiled almost in tears. Haven't seen Destiny since my eye surgery. "You came I'm so happy..well the game is about to start you can guess how big my belly is?"

I wiped a stray tear as she nods and both my parents and Marcos came. "Finally you came" they chuckled "There was no parking sorry" I rolled my eyes as I got everyone's attention "Everyone the first game starts now! Everyone gather and take a turn..whoever is close and exact will get a $30 gift card to Dave and Buster" people sounded intrigued and so it began.

Each one too big or too small..until Jackie and Destiny got the exact measurements "Wait who wins?" Both girls asked "Since you both did I'll give you both the gift cards" they smiled and nodded "That's the end of game one..later There will be more!"

Marco announced but I started to feel ill "Star you okay?" "My stomach feels funny and I feel like.." I covered my mouth and ran towards the bathroom and puked up. "Star? You feeling okay?" "I think I should just stick to water no more lemonades..or candy" Marco chuckles and helps me up "I told you..the baby reacts to something they don't like"

I frown "Well today is its their special day and I can't even have fun or eat what I" Marco looked down and up at me "Come on a couple more games and then gender reveal" I washed my mouth and Marco handed me water and went back to greet our guests.

After the games it was time for a gender reveal..I think our parents were more excited then we were "Everyone ready?" I see everyone with cameras out as me and Marco opened the box that will tell the gender of the baby. "3..2..1.." we opened and pink balloons came out I screamed of joy as Marco picked me up and everyone was just happy

"Its a girl! I knew it!" I heard Jackie said as she hugged us "Congrats guys" we smiled and Jam ran into Marcos arms "Hey buddy your getting a sister" he frowns "I don't want a sister" he began crying and Jackie took him "Hey you'll be the big brother she needs when she's older okay?" He calm down and I sigh

"I'm so excited!" Destiny said as she hugged us "I bet.." "So who's going to be the godmother or godfather?" A couple people surrounded us and I looked around feeling uncomfortable "Guys back up we have time to discuss this" they nodded..that was gonna be a disaster soon..

A/n So I hoped you guys enjoyed this part sorry took so long been busy and all lol 😊😅 that's all for now bye!

The Blind Girl (Starco Au) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now