Emotional rollercoaster

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Star pov
After few doctors appointments I knew we had to keep this a secret because this is actually surprising and also my mind is going all over the the place. The thought of my child having what I had before or worse was scaring me.

What if my child comes out blind and wont be able to see her parents with their own eyes? Or has have health problems like me? Would I tell them that I was blind and had these problems and I'm the one to blame? Too much thinking and guilt rushing through me was making me sick to my stomach, literally

"Star? You alright?" I look up at Marco with tears in my eyes and he quickly held me close "What's wrong?" I shake my head thinking if I should say it or not "Marco, I'm afraid that our child could potentially be blind or even worse..what if the genes from me passes down to our child? What would happen?"

he soothes my back in small circles keeping me calm "We can get tested for that, to make sure the baby is okay? Don't worry we'll deal with this later on, I don't want you to stress out on me, firstly its bad for both of you and I want you to be nice and healthy" I nodded but how can I not? I wouldn't be okay if my child did

"Star, its okay" his voice was low and soft and I just wanted to cuddle him "Marco, I want a cuddle" he chuckles a bit "Want me to bring the grey fluffy blanket from my room?" I smirked and nodded "Yes please"

he leaves and I sat there wondering if its possible because my parents told me it skipped a generation.. "Rwar I'm the fluffy monster that wants to take your cuddles" I giggle as Marco wraps around me

"Oh no, don't swallow me up fluffy monster I'm too young and beautiful to die like this" he laid behind me on the couch and wrapped the blanket around us, I smile a bit when he kissed my neck and head "Dont worry, everything will be fine" I sure hope so

After a couple weeks I was finally a month but you couldn't really tell because of how much food I rejected from my body. I did everything the doctors told me, I even went on walks with the dogs. As I make my breakfast Marco walks in and it smells like a chocolate bar.

As he kissed me his lips tasted like KitKat and I grinned at him "Why are you looking at me like that?" I push my breakfast aside and look at him "I want chocolate please" he shook his head "Your body is going to reject it like always, eat your bowl of fruits you don't like"

I groan and scoff "But Marco, I really want chocolate though...I haven't had a piece of candy since this thing took over" he laughs and bit at my complaint "This thing, is our child and I thought you wanted kids?" I sigh a bit

"I do but I never imagined it to be this hard, eating right, exercise, and keeping away from all my favorite food..why did you do this to me?" He pulls me into his arms and kisses my head "Because when two people love each othe-"

"Marco! Stop I don't need to hear the rest of that" we laugh a bit as I start eating my food "So, did you talk with together?" I shook my head slightly "Not exactly.." he gave me a look "Star, you know its better to be together instead of two separate houses? Your going to say bye to your parents..I know they helped you through your life and your their princess but its time for you to become my queen"

I smiled at Marco for the sweet compliment "Aw marco, I'm your Queen?" He nods and wraps around me feeling my belly "Of course, I found and apartment that has 3 bedrooms" I raised a brow at him "3 bedrooms?" He nods

"Of course, Jam is still my son I still need to have him stay over until he's 18 and out of our hair" I giggled "So, are you implying that we will get married on the way?" He nods

"Yeah, someday but you need to speak with your parents about it first, and no spilling about this" he said rubbing my stomach "Okay, but they'll be sad that I'm leaving, we can visit right?" He nods "Of course Star, we aren't moving to another country unless we want to" I nod

"Okay, I'll tell them tonight when they come home, what are you-" the door bell rang and Marco answered and I heard jackie and Jam "Morning, I'm sorry but Marco I really need you to watch over jam for a couple days, I have an event I have to attend and I don't want to leave him with my family"

Marco nods as jam came towards me and gave me a hug "Hey buddy, oh is that a new toy" he nods and shows me "Its fine Jackie, just keep posted for those days" she nods "I will, thanks again okay by baby see you in a few days be good with daddy and Star okay"

he nods and smiles at her "Mommy loves you, now kiss goodbye" he gave her kiss and she took off and Marco pulled out his phone and gave it to him "Go sit down we'll be leaving soon"

he runs towards the living room and lays on the couch playing on the phone "Marco, this is the 4th time Jackie drops Jam off for an 'EVENT' doesn't that bother you?" He shakes his head "No, because I get to spend time with my son, and why are you offended? You love Jam and he loves you"

I don't know hormones or mood swings "I don't know, but I just think jackie is a great mom..." I started tearing up which confused Marco "Uh-huh, star are you feeling alright?" I shrug

"I don't know..I'm a little emotional right now, stop looking at me like that! Your making me feel uncomfortable" Marco backs away "Alrighty I'm going home with Jam, I hope you talk to your parents about this" I nod

"I'm sorry, I have no idea what's going on with me but okay" he kiss me goodbye and left with Jam "Bye star" I waved and watched them leave and I held my stomach, was this really worth it?

A/n Hello everyone updated but just for today or so, I'm slowly getting back but not completely so I appreciate the support from my followers and readers 😊you guys are the best

The Blind Girl (Starco Au) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now