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I bound towards the force field giving no second thought to the fact that there might be other people on the Inside that can see me.

The bench is almost two hundred meters away from the force field.

I run. I could warn him. I could speak to him. I could...meet him.

Tyler. My other half.

"Lisa!" Someone calls out behind me, I do not acknowledge it.

A large set of arms wrap around my waist and pull me back into the cover of the forest.

Without even looking, I could tell it was Cole.

"Tyler." My voice is a wavering whisper.

Cole pulls me towards him and rests his chin on my head,"Shhh."

"C-Cole." I stammer,"Why can't I just tell him I'm alive?"

"You know why."

If we told Tyler and he accidentally let it slip, the whole camp would be in danger and if he managed to keep it to himself-the secret would eat him alive.

"Hold me tighter." My voice strains. I knew it in my bones that if Cole let go; I'd be careening towards Jake.

Cole's grip tightens and I let his warmth consume me.

"Tyler." I sob.

Selfish. Weak. Coward. Silly. Spoilt.

Tyler sits on the bench, his face in his palms. The area is deserted and he is alone.

He thinks you are dead.

Tyler's shoulders started to shake and pain lashes through me. I was doing this to him.

I heave a sob.

You're hurting him. This is because of you. You hurt everyone around you. Everyone. Always. You'll always be selfish, you'll always be a monster. No matter what.

Selfish. Weak. Cowards. Child.

There is a twisting pain in my gut.


Cole is pulling me away from the force field and I thrash around in his arms. I couldn't leave Tyler. Not again.

"Lisa." Cole whispers,"Let's go."

"Cole! He's crying. He's alone! I can't leave." I wail.

Cole pulls me closer,"Shh."

He pauses and then adds,"Lisa. You know when you're like this I'm scared?" He says softly,"Don't scare me."

"I'm s-sorry. Y-you should just leave me to die."

"No, no, no."

I tremble as I sob onto his shoulder.


"Lisa." Cole murmurs into my hair,"Don't stay here."

I finally manage a nod and Cole leads me away and I resist looking over my shoulder, for if I did-I might not be able to leave.

That night I slept in Cole's tent. He held me through the night-keeping the dreams away.


After breakfast the next day, we formulate our plan.

"We need to get inside the Afrikan camp." Jay states,"We need to get a look at their maps and confirm their plans."

I nod,"But we can only get inside when the Afrikans aren't around."

"The Commander has agreed to call the Afrikans over for a feast. We go then." Cole informs.

"Who all are going?" Daniel asks.

"Cole, C.T, Jamie, Edgar, Rhonda and I. Cara you'll stay here to sound the signal of their arrival."

Cara gives me and affirmative nod.

"Has the Commander agreed to this phase of the plan?"

"Yeah. She believes she can stall them only for so long." C.T shrugs.

"When do we leave?" Edgar asks.

"Now." Cole and I say in unison.


A/N: I know, I know. Lisa is a bad character and I made her that way... For some reasons. Next chapter I promise there will be action.
A little Colisa action for y'all.

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