Bonus chapter-Cole's POV

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The golden sunlight filters through the walls of the tent, marking the beginning of another day.

Another day as Commander.

I stretch in bed as my nose crinkles in confusion. The spot beside me was cold and empty as if the person had been gone for quite sometime.

Which is odd as Lisa almost never woke up before me.

Perhaps, she had returned to her tent sometime during the night.

I straighten out my rumpled clothes as I step outside, the busy atmosphere of Camp embracing me.

I head over to Lisa's tent which is empty. The sheets are in place and everything is untouched.

I steady myself as I jog over to Samantha's tent; on the verge of panicking.

"Samantha!" I call.

She hastily steps out of her tent, her hands placed on her hips,"What?"

"Have you seen Lisa anywhere?" I ask.

The old woman seems to be taken aback,"No..." Her voice trails off,"why?"

"I can't seem to find her anywhere." I mutter as the panic sets in and I begin to tug at the locks of my hair.

I spin around,"C.T!" I call and she scurries over.

"Scour the lake for Lisa."

The tiny girl quirks an eyebrow at me,"Sure, but what for?"

My voice cracks with dread. I knew something was wrong, I could feel it,"I can't find her. Anywhere."

I call out a few orders and the Campers begin to look for Lisa, all of them coming up empty.

Lisa. Where was she?

Dread gnawed at me. The Afrikans! They must have taken her!

"Commander." A voice drawls from behind me.

I snarl as I turn to face the Afrikan man who had forced us to turn in our weapons.

Talk about impeccable timing.

I jabbed my finger into his toned chest,"Where is she?" I almost spat.

He shrugs nonchalantly.

I grab him by the robes,"Tell me." I seethe.

He pries my fingers off his grimy robes,"To hell with her."

"Do you have her?" I snap, rage taking over.

No one touches Lisa. She is mine. I was hers.

The Afrikan scoffs,"Of course not." He then adds,"But some of our troops did report a brown hair girl running towards the force fields in dark of the night."

I stumble away from the man,"And?"

"Oh." He chuckles,"She banged on the doors until they opened up and dragged her inside."

A strangled sound escaped my lips.

She had left. Left to save her family.

Lisa. Her dark hair flashed in my mind. Her agonizingly beautiful smile. Her soft, sweet lips against mine.

Pretty girl.

I will get her back. I won't let go. Not now, not ever.

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