0. how they met

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The sound coming from the piano when her fingers hit the chord was nothing short of magic for a ten-year-old Piper. The memory is vague for her nurturing mind, but it started when her grandmother played it for the first time in their household. Wiggling into her grandmother's lap, Piper had hit the chord for the first time, and like magic, it filled her ears with soft dulcet of the melody. She hadn't stopped since then.

Piper laid her head on the keyboard, which produced a harsh sound from the keyboard. A soft sigh escaped her as she removed a strand of her curly hair away from her face to stare at the window. The teacher, a girl of twenty-two who taught her piano, was outside, talking to someone. Piper's attention shifted to the people in question, her previous agony of being alone forgotten. A small boy who looked like her in age, Piper thought was standing beside a woman, clutching her hand- his eyes on the ground. As he lifted his eyes, Piper waved frantically at him, desperate to make a new friend even for a small span of time.The boy blinked, his face forming a perfect scowl. The action didn't deter her away, though. Piper stood on the bench, to see his face clearly. She giggled when the boy turned his face away. Their little game started- Piper trying to see the kid's face, and him trying to avoid it. Tired of their game, Piper strutted and pulled out the pack of Oreo biscuits from her bag- waving it as she stood on the bench again. A smile came over the boy's face, and finally, when he waved his hand, Piper rushed over to the window, sticking her nose completely to the transparent glass. But, to her disappointment, the boy went away with the woman. Her lips turned in a pout, she moved away, reluctantly sitting on the bench and assuming her previous position.

When Piper heard the sound of heels hitting the floor- the sound she had come to recognize with her teacher, she sat straight.

"Piper, will you come here? I have a surprise for you."

Hearing the words, Piper ran in the direction, excited about the prospect. When she saw her teaching standing in the hallway with a small smile on her face, Piper squealed.

"What is the surprise?"

"Close your eyes, and promise me you won't open them until I say so."

She bobbed her head in acceptance and thought of all the things her piano teacher could give. A new CD, chocolates, teddy bear like the previous year?

"Open your eyes."

Piper opened them slowly and jumped in the air. The same small boy she had seen minutes ago was standing behind her teacher, shyly smiling at Piper.

"Meet your new friend, Piper. I am going to teach him piano too so now you won't be alone." The teacher brought the boy forward with her hands on his shoulders and introduced him. "This is Stephen. Stephen, dear this is Piper."

Unable to contain her delight, Piper dashed and hugged Stephen- who in the state of shock fell on the ground along with Piper. Piper stared down at him- placing her little hands on his cheeks. "You are my best friend for life," She said with all the seriousness a girl of her age could muster.

Color crept up on Stephen's cheek as he adjusted his glasses. With a shy grin on his face, he looked at Piper. "Best friends for life."

And, that's how their love story started.

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