3. strange demands

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PIPER HANDED the paper to Stephen. "This all has to be done too."

Stephen stared at her, unblinking, clear disbelief on his face. She stared back, matching his stare. Whatever he saw on her face was enough to make him realize that she wouldn't budge from her decision.

"You sound like a mafia maniac making a deal," Stephen said as he snatched the paper from Piper's hand.

"Just wait until you read it."

He shook his head, heaving out a long sigh of breath. "Why should I pretend that you are not my girlfriend? What has that got to do anything with being this so called fantasy bad boy of yours."

Piper raised an eyebrow, planting a hand on her hip. "I think I have clearly specified that bad boys don't do commitments in a relationship. And, fantasy? Seriously?"

Pressing his lips together in a thin line, Stephen read the paper, his eyes moving across the lines she has written. Piper watched as an array of expressions passed across his face. At first, his face confronted into a grimace, but towards the end, he looked appalled.

"This," he waved the paper in the air. "Are you serious?"

"As serious as a dead man can get."

Stephen tilted his head, narrowing his eyes at her. "Piper, you think I can do this? Do I look mad?"

"You lost a dare. You have to do it." Piper crossed her arms over her chest, daring him to protest, which in Stephen's case, wasn't going to happen. As much as this whole thing was stupid, a tad bit frustrating for him, it was fun, Piper thought secretly.

"Dye your hair to platinum blond.

Get blue eye lenses and stop wearing glasses

Start wearing leather jackets

Own a motorbike

Avoid commitments

Get a tattoo-"

Stephen paused the reading, his face anxious. "Why should I change my looks!"

"That's how a standard, so-called bad boy looks," Piper answered, and Stephen gawked at her.

"I..I," He sat on the floor and closed his eyes, shaking his head. Piper moved to his side, hiding her giggle and laid her head on his shoulder.

"You will look hot, believe me."

"You have lost damn mind," he said with a soft chuckle, opening his eyes. Instantly, he frowned. "Even though I am ready to this, because it sounds like a strong challenge-"

"And, you have no way out."

"Yes, that too but, I don't know how I will change my looks. Or, get a motorbike as a matter of fact."

Piper set her knees around his hips and straddled him. "I thought about that too."

Stephen enveloped her in his arms, tightening his hold on her. "How?"

As Piper encircled her hand around his neck, she spoke the words, barely stifling her excitement.

"As for hair, it's obvious we will dye it. Blue lens- again can be bought from a store. You can take Reece's motorbike, and he owns too many leather jackets so you can use those too-"

"Woah, wait," Stephen interrupted her. "Do you think Reece will let me have his motorcycle?"

"He will once he gets to know what you are are going to do. In fact, Reece will happily devote his time to help you."

"And, what about the tattoos?"

"About that.." Piper pursed her lips, thinking about it. "I am not sure. It's your choice because I don't think temporary tattoos are actually temporary."

"Thank God for that. I would hate it to have a tattoo." Stephen muttered.

"Oh, I know! Maybe a lip piercing."

Eyes widened in horror, Stephen pulled back, touching his lip with a finger. "No way!"

Piper laughed- placing her lips on his- alternating between soft kisses all over his face. "I am not that cruel. Not that I think of it, we can try the bad boy falls for a good girl trope too," She murmured.

"What?" Stephen asked, his lips inches away from hers.

She pulled his head back to hers and laughed. "Nothing."


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