27. life goes on

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three months later.

Things had changed.

The vibes of being a new student at the high school were long back gone. Students were more focused on gaining marks, securing their place on the so-called high school ladder, and last but not the least, partying.

As for Stephen, he was surviving. That was the most accurate word he could think as he sat frustrated in front of his laptop, hunting down articles for a project in his room.

"Calm down, Stephen. It's a silly project," Piper said, wrapping her hands around his neck from behind, her curly hair tickling his neck.

"It might be a silly project to you. Not to me." Placing his hands on hers, he turned around and placed a small kiss on her cheek. "Are you going to meet Alisha?"

"I am. We haven't been talking much lately. Honestly, I am surprised Alisha asked me to meet up," Piper replied, coming around and sitting in front of Stephen. "I hope it's not awkward."

Things hadn't changed, Stephen thought to himself. Even though the whole bad boy dare was an old thing, Alisha and Piper hadn't been able to rekindle their old friendship. They weren't any bitter feelings from Alisha's side, at least that's what Stephen thought but, some things weren't easy to forget. Especially, when Piper, and Stephen had lied to Alisha for months.

"I hope so too," he murmured, placing his hands on Piper's shoulders. "Send me a text after you meet her."

"Why?" She asked in a curious tone, inching closer to him.

Stephen smiled, catching her by her waist. "I am taking you on a date."

Piper laughed, widening her eyes. "Seriously?"

"Yes, yes."

One thing hadn't changed, and that was his feelings for Piper. They seemed to rise with each passing day, blossoming into a feeling of passion, and surrender of himself to his emotions for her.

And, as scary it was, no other feeling was glorious than that.


nine months later

"We should go for camping," Nick said, sitting up on the couch straight, excitement evident in his voice.

From the corner of her eyes, Piper saw Stephen roll his eyes at his words. "Guys, our exams are near and-"

"Stephen, I don't think going out for three or four days will destroy our schedule," Piper retorted, looking in his direction.

They were in the classroom, hanging around after the class, making good use of the free hour. Including herself, Alisha, Alex, Nick, Stephen, and three of their classmates, the plan to spend a good weekend popped in their minds, and soon, everyone was coming up with ideas.

"I agree with Stephen. I don't think I will be able to enjoy it fully until exams are over," one of the girls agreed with Stephen, eliciting a groan out of everyone.

Alisha tried to reason with them. "I get what you mean. You guys are saying it will destroy your studying juju? It won't. The trip will free your mind. Frankly, the school has been hectic."

"I am going whether you come or not," Piper said, bumping her shoulder with Stephen's. "Studying is making me crazy."

Piper glanced at Alisha with a small smirk on her face. They both knew these words would convince Stephen.

And convince it did.

With a grunt, he slapped a hand on his forehead. "You are mean, Piper. Fine, count me in."

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