14. a little hiccup - III

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PIPER was possessive of Stephen. It wasn't something that had developed in a night or two. It had been a gradual build-up, piling up with more force since the time they met. Stephen was a shy boy, never speaking to other kids except for Piper. For a small version of hers, it was a happy feeling that a boy was always after her, desperate for her attention.

Like Newton's third law said, her affection for him was reciprocal except it wasn't an opposite reaction. If any kid teased Stephen in her presence, it sparked anger in Piper, and she would do anything to make them pay. (Something along the lines of stealing their chocolates and biscuits). It sounded reasonable to a small girl.

More than the piano classes, it was Stephen for whom Piper got excited each day. As time went by, they both got close to each other, sharing innocent secrets, and building something bigger in their hearts.

As happened one day, when they were eleven, Stephen was chosen as Romeo, and Rhea (their classmate) was to play Juliet for their annual literature drama skit. They weren't any kisses involved in the school drama, of course. (Piper still didn't understand why eleven years old had Romeo and Juliet) But, when Rhea had kissed Stephen on the cheek, Piper was angry, which ignited more when Stephen shyly smiled back at her.

Merely a spectator of that show, Piper wanted to chant only one thing. Stephen is mine. Mine! Mine!

Too young to understand the feeling, Piper had been irritated, unable to get her irrational thoughts.

But, now, as everyone around her shouted Stephen to kiss Alisha, Piper understood the feeling.

It wasn't jealousy-no, but something more than that.

Stephen was hers. Full, and final. Even the thought of someone kissing him made her feel anxious, and uneasiness spread through her.

Piper was sure Stephen wouldn't kiss Alisha. What she dreaded was the reaction, because she could see read it on Stephen's face that he was nervous- and, very close to admitting that he had a girlfriend.

But, that was not the main problem. Everyone was happy. Ruining the moment seemed wrong. Friends would be hurt, and she couldn't imagine the embarrassment Stephen would face if he blurted out everything now.

What a mess.

To Alisha's credit, she was trying her best to refuse. Alex, who was particular good at debates, pointed out.

"Alisha, you have to kiss him. Otherwise, you have to hold his hand throughout the day tomorrow if you don't do it."

"And, it's just a game, Alisha," Natasha said.

Stephen was trying his best to hide. His eyes met hers, and she saw the worry, the panic, and the fright. Piper slowly blinked at him, and in response, he pursed his lips. His hair, a stark platinum, stood out in the red lightning, giving away his place.

"Stephen, man, what are you doing? Come here!" Nick shouted, slinging his hand over his shoulder. "You both are now spoiling our fun."

"Yeah, and didn't you say you loved girls?" Alex said, emerging out hoots and giggles from other people.

Well, weren't the people about to get some show. Piper thought as she spotted a bowl of strawberries. Everyone was too busy to convince Alisha to kiss Stephen. Meanwhile, Stephen kept his facade because, for the time being, Alisha was doing the work of refusing to kiss just fine.

Piper saw the chance and popped a bite of strawberry in her mouth.

And, waited. Then, mentally counted. One, two and three.

A hiccup started, followed by another, then another, until it became a chain. It continued for a minute when Stephen appeared at her side. One look at the strawberries, and the sound of her hiccups, his expression was one of bewilderment, and shock.

"Piper! God, what happened to you? Alisha immediately appeared at her side, glaring at Stephen who he was standing close to Piper. "Your hiccups aren't stopping! What happened? Guys! Something happened to Piper!" She shouted in panic loud enough to be heard, and the group got distracted, all their attention now focused on her.

Never in her wildest dreams had Piper thought that her body's reaction to strawberries would save her boyfriend.

But, her said boyfriend was barely holding his anger. He pushed people out of the way and came towards her. When someone tried to come closer to Piper, Stephen raised his voice and yelled at them. "Leave Piper alone! If you come near her, it will send her into a panic!"

"Stephen, you need to-" Alisha got interrupted when he glared at her. "Shut up, Alisha. I know what I am doing."

"How the hell do you know what to do?"

"I know someone with the same reaction to strawberries," he stared at Piper as he said the words, and there was no doubt a fight was coming from his side later. The hiccups were continuous but, it was not dangerous, and yet, seeing Stephen worried filled her with shame.

"And, how do you stop that, huh?" Alisha asked, expecting him to show her. And, he did show.

"Distraction," he murmured and kissed Piper.

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