Chapter 2

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You say there for an hour before you finally decided to go back to your apartment. When you got there the door was wide open.

Before you investigate you moved the mat that lied in front of the door with your foot. Crouching down you pulled up a piece of the wooden floor to reveal a metal baseball bat.

When you rented the place they only have you the key. So you put your brilliant mind at work. You finally thought that having a bat would be perfect since it would be easy to use. And being in a bad part of town, this would be a great defense. It just kind scared you how you knew this was going to happen.

Pulling the bat out, trying to be as silent as possible. Standing up you quickly entered the room, ready to swing the weapon you wielded.

As your eyes lied on the room, you saw the famous celebrity everyone has been talking about. Body made of metal, pink boots, black hair. You just froze from where you stood.

"Oh hello Darling. Do you live here?"

You dropped your bat as Mettaton stood before you.

"Is that a bat dear?"

"Yes..." you had no idea what to say since you never talk to a monster, let alone a celebrity,"I thought you were someone who was breaking into my apartment."

Mettaton laughed as he looked around quickly.

"I'm sorry to be so rude my dear, but, who would want to steal a plastic table and,"he pointed at your bed that you left down,"a matters that looks like cockroaches live in it?"

You mind automatically went to drugs.

"Right..." you felt really awkward after have a rich person in your falling apart home,"Why are you here by the way?"

"Oh right," He flicked his hair and post dramatically (and I mean DRAMATICALLY),"To show the world how generous a celebrity, like myself, I decided to find the poorest of people and invite the to be in my amazing and fabulous life."

You realized that this wasn't going to be good for you. The people warned you about MTT, and so far he is starting to remind you why you hate famous people. They either act like their lives are the worst or the best. And the monster standing before shows no difference.

"And darling you have the worst house I have ever seen. It's just a room. No wonder why you were gone when I was in here. It's so depressing."

You chuckle.

"Thanks Mettaton, but I actually spread a lot of time in here since I have something called, depression."

Before you saw any concern people give you when you tell them such a thing, the hunk of metal wrapped around your body twice while lifting you in the air.

"Oh poor little thing, you must hate not being me!"

You felt like your ribs were being crushed as your lungs were running out of space for oxygen.

"Oh, I totally-lly wish I...I were you." You tried to say some kind of sarcasm but it was difficult since you were even having trouble to speak.

Then you started to panic as you felt your note pad slip out of your jackets pockets. And it scared you even more when Mettaton noticed.

"What's this darling?"

He released you as he quickly took the  the note pad and faced his back towards you. Falling to your knees you jumped up onto Mettaton to steal it back.

"Don't look at it! Haven't you heard of personal space!"

"No of course I haven't heard of personal space darling." He spoke rather silent as he flipped through ever page.

At first it was a bit careless, but as he went further, the slower he turned the page, every picture drew his mechanical eyes as if reading the most important part in a really good book.

You didn't really care if he likes it, you just needed it back before he went to far. You were determined to get it back from the famous mister celebrity.

Pushing your body over his shoulder you snatched the note pad from his hand. Landing on your feet you put it under your bra strap and zipped up your jacket.

"I said don't look at it."

Mettaton starred at you as if you were someone else. Then as he stood taller he looked down on you with a straight face.

"Would you like to come with me today..." he rolled his hand over and over again to tell you that he wanted your name.


"(Y/n), to have the most fabulous day with the one and only me?"

You had a small urge to say no, but something inside you said that else. As if a part of you really wanted to care about something.

"If you don't look at my stuff again, then sure, why not."

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