Chapter 16

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(Y/N) P.O.V. -

As you walked down streets, avoiding any eye contact as much as possible, you did considered having a taxi take you to your mother's house.

The reasons you didn't was because you had no idea how much money they person would ask you. And maybe you had a feeling it wouldn't be a really taxi driver because family reasons... so you walked instead.

Over an hour passed and you finally went through the gates to the queen ants nest. You where a bit excited and happy because you were finally going to get some of your piece of mind, also  you walked for miles and didn't even break a sweat.

I still got it, you thought as you sneeked around back, dodging all of the security camera's.

Looking around to make sure the coast was clear, you entered the house from the kitchen. Nervously you hoped off the counter and placed the bag on the island.

Rubbing your hands together you fought back a chuckle. Carefully touching the zipper, you slide it down by an inch before the lights went on.

You froze as your eyes looked up to see your mother standing in the door way with...

"Sans..."You mumbled to yourself as you stood up straight, holding your hands behind your back.

"Hello my dear, and just on time as always."Your overly dressed mother spoke,"Now we can talk about things properly."

"There is nothing to discuss, Mother." You spoke with the word mother spoken like venom.

"Isn't she funny Comic Sans?"

You took a quick glance at the small skeleton as his hood was strangely up. You wanted him to read you so he could at least help you out on stuff, but he just stood there. Almost as if he was lifeless.

"Let us go to the dinning room, shall we." Her fake ass smile shined like plastic as she turned around with Sans following her every step.

With her back turned, you reached for my revolver but a cough from behind you took you off ground. How could it me was all you could think of as Eric took the gun away from you with all of your stuff in the bag.

"Sorry (y/n), but I want my sister back."

You could have sworn you nearly had a tear roll down your cheek as you felt the end of a barrel of a gun to your back. It was cold and grinding every instinct you had to not kill your brother, the last light that was dimming out like a die sun. You pushed yourself to not turn around and aim the gun he hand under his head with his brains flying out.

He's your brother, he's your brother, you repeated in your hand as you followed the devil into the cage of no mercy.

Walking in the twenty or whatever foot ceiling, Mother was at the head and Sans was about five seats away from her. You honestly wanted to sit next to him so you both could go to Geno and right on out of here, but Eric forced you to sit in the seat right next to the hag on her left. As he sat next to you, you wished looks could kill as you stared deep into the mother's eyes.

"Alright you are all here, except for the lazy excuse of a father, we can start are plan."

Nearly jumping out of your seat, you held back the erge to punch your mother, since a gun was being point at your lower spin.

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