Chapter 20

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Your heart went heavey as you stopped breathing. What did you mother do? How? Why! You didn't even consider the possibility that your mother would kill someone. And why did it hurt you more than it felt like it should have. You barley knew Sans and you had emotions brewing up inside. Is this what it felt like to care about someone when they died. If you still had your determination this would have never phased you because you were all above consequence. You never truly had the chance to understand why others would cry at funerals or hard times until know.

Gripping your chest right to calm down the range clawing out your reasoning and breathed. You and Geno had a plan,  and you were going to stick with it no matter how thick the fog of emotions blocks your way, you would keep walking until it would be your time to end. And for the first time in a long time, you were determined to win.

"Sans is-is dead." Toriel's voice shook making your stomach turn out of there sheer sympathy you felt towards her.

Then the witch pulled the phone up to her lips as she kept the phone on speaker. The grin she had was of pure amusement, drawing chills to your skin. How does she find the fun in this as if it were a video game. What made her think she could control everything she saw fit. This was real life not minecraft.

"Hello queen of monsters, I couldn't help but over hear your conversation."

"(Y/N)'s mother! Your with Papyrus?" She sounded so confused of what was going on but you could do nothing to tell her to hide and be safe.

"Yes and I am sorry to tell you this from the news you just received but I need to see Frisk."

"Why do you need my child?"

"Well I thought, since Frisk saved monsters from the underground, she could tell the police how monsters die since the world is still trying to get used your kind."

"As long as I may a company my child."

"Well of course Toriel. Please come to my house so the police are not to far from the crime scene."

"I will do anything to find Sans's killer." She spoke as she finally revealed that she was crying by her tone.

"Thank you so much Toriel, and once again I am sorry for your loss."

Tapping on the screen with her thumb to end the call she began to laugh out of control, starting with a light and soft chuckle and gradually reach to chaotic. You just had to continue to wait at the door as she gained back her composer. Looking down at Papyrus he smile was still plastered on her face as she dropped the phone and crushed it by the heel of her shoes.

"I kn-know you d-on't-t have to do thisss." Papyrus stuttered out of fear as the devil starred down at him,"There's no need to harm anyone."

"You are wrong you idiot, I have to do this or I will never figure out all the endings before my life will end. Of course some things have changed but that's alright because this is the best for me and my family."

"Hurting people is never the answer-."

"Please be quiet, I need to get ready for the queen of monsters arrival."

Then she went towards a door that you remembered being a closet and opened it to reveal a stair way going down, leading into darkness. The eerieness ran your blood cold as she spun around and threw a knife by the cracked open door you peered through. You froze as your lungs halted all functions as your eyes stared right back at the devil herself.

"Come on in my daughter, there's no reason to hide from me."

Taking a deep breathe you stood up before entering the room, watching Sans's brother looking at you for help. You didn't say anything to him since your mother was right in front of; you didn't want to give her any clues as to what Geno and your plan was.

Standing in front of her, you stared at her (e/c) that so happened to be that same as yours which disgusted you. Standing their, waiting for her to say something Eric appeared right behind her from the darkness of the closet that really wasn't one. Your brother just had this pale face as if he were sick and about to throw up. Staring at him will pain, he walked to the skeleton and keeled in front of him. You didn't have the time or courage to ask what was going on as your mother walked behind the skeleton and shot your brother at his forehead.

You screamed as you ran to your now lifeless brother who lyed on the ground as blood poured all over his face. Your hands were shaking as you looked up at the witch as tears flowed down your cheeks. Standing straight up you gripped your baseball bat and swung inches away from Payparus's head. She easily dodged the attack but you couldn't, you wouldn't. Not even the plan seemed to matter as you ran around the room trying to smash the woman's brains out.

"DIE DIE DIE YOU MOTHERFUCKING MURDERER!!!" You screamed before the snake caught the bat and punched you in the gut and underneath your ribs.

Coughing up small drops of blood you forced your knees to stay strong as your mother took a couple of steps back with plan b in her hands. She twirled it in her fingers and did tricks with the object before pointing at the stair way.

"If you want me to die You are going to have to wait a little bit more. I need to show you something that got your brother sick. It disappointed me that he wasn't strong enough to gain back his trait. If I didn't shoot him he would have died slowly."

"I don't care!" You screamed,"You filled lies inside his head that he could be better than be was and got him killed because of it. You are just a psychotic bitch who loves killing her family more than once."

And you both stared at each other as the flames from the fireplace finally went out.

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