Chapter 6

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After being outside a while, Frisk found you both outside, and long after Mettaton showed up minutes later. Frisk seemed to be looking at you with a worried face as you stood talk over her. Sans stood up as well but said nothing.

"Why didn't you watch the movie (y/n)!" Mettaton seemed a bit loaded with you but you said nothing in return.

"Hey Mettaton,"Sans spoke as he tested a hand on your shoulder,"Why don't we go out to dinner, unless the human doesn't want to."

"Please,"Sans gripped your shoulder as if wanting you to say you'll go, but you ignored the message,"take me home, I'm tired."

You noticed Frisk took a step back as she saw the expression on Sans face, and yours. She knew something was up and didn't like it.

"Fine, let Sans take you though,"he looked over his shoulder to see more fans,"since my day has filled up."

"Is it okay if Frisk stays with you for a bit."

Frisk looked scared as stepped next to your side. You ignored her since you were curious to figure out why he wanted to be alone with you.

"Come Frisk, let's show them what we can do."

Without Frisk getting the chance to join us, the environment was smashed together into a black void. Your body felt fuzzy, not because this feeling was new, but it was old.

You face Sans as he letted go of you. You were speechless as you saw the reset screen behind him.

"How did you do that?" Your heart started to race as you took a step back,"How did you bring me here?"

"I didn't," Sans spoke calmly before pointing behind you,"He did."

Not afraid to face anything, but family, you spin around to see Sans, but not Sans. He wore white and black as a glitch covered his right eye and other spots. But that wasn't the part that got your attention. It was the fact that he was bleeding from a curved cut on his chest that dripped onto his slippers. And the giant red scarf around his neck couldn't bring it out even more.

"Wow Sans or dude..." You ran over, speechless to see that he was still standing,"Why the fuck would someone want to knife you?"

You questioned the very fact that you said 'why would' as if you already knew him. To be honest you really didn't care since the guy was bleeding.

Touching his chest you tired to stop the bleeding, but before you knew it the skeleton backed away a bit. He smiled at your attempts and covered his smile with his scarf.

"Thanks for the thought, but that's not going to do anything."

Then you remembered no one could die in the save screen or what ever, but still the skeleton was hurt.

"You still shouldn't just bleed like that."

He looked at you with this sad but happy emotion in his eye sockets that made you feel a little fuzzy inside. You both just stared at each other, as him looking for something.

"Well," Sans popped up out of nowhere,"(y/n) this is Geno, Geno this is (y/n)."

"Wait Geno..." You looked at Sans with concussion,"As in genocide, right?"

Sans was about to tell you the answer, but Geno spoke first.

"That's correct..."

"But why would you call yourself that?" You spoke as if you really cared about him.

You just couldn't help but feel bad for him, you knew he couldn't leave or he'll die and he is just stuck here. That must be afaul, just sitting here all alone doing nothing with no one to talk to.

He was about to speak, but chose not as he hide his mouth in his red scarf. You stood their, feeling bad about yourself and the monster that stood in front of you. He was hidding, just like you with your family. He wasn't talking, just like you. He was standing there looking miserable, just like you.

Running your arm you sat down while staring at the ground. You just wanted to be left alone, feeling like there were to many strangers around you. As you thought about it, you might as well have been kidnapped. At leased that would be more pleasing, because you would be at peace.

"What do you like to do?" A voice spoke right in front of you.

Looking up, you saw Geno right before you. As you stared at his eye socket, he sat down, never leaving your (c/e) eyes.

"Me?" No one every really asked something like that to you before, it was as if he was treating you like a... normal person.

He noded as he patiently waited for your answer. He was acting as if he truly cared about you right then and there. It made you feel special but ready to see him to joke about it.

"Well now I just party every night, gets my mind off of the world and makes me feel good about myself."

"But do you like doing that?"

Your chest became heavey as he leaned a bit closer to you. You didn't understand why, but it became harder to breathe and your heart was pounding in your ears as if it was a drum.

"Well, I guess I wished I didn't feel like I have to do that all the time."

"Then what do you like doing?"

"Uhm, well," You for some reason felt the need to tell him, but you've been hiding this for so long from everyone,"I guess I like to, uh, draw."

He leaned back when Sans came over and picked you up, so you stood. You kind of wished you could sit down since you were getting really tired.

"Okay, let's take you home, alright buddy."

"Sure, whatever, I'm just..." You looked at Geno who still sat on the floor,"Bye Geno."

He looked away from the floor and into your eyes. He showed a small grin as he seemed to be at ease.

"Bye (y/n)."

Without another word, you saw a light shine as he disappeared. In his place a door came to view as you recognised you apartment door.

"This is the place right?" Sans asked as he letted go of your arm.

With your foot you moved the mat and saw the hole where your metal bat lied.

"Yeah this is the place..."


"Hey why..." Before you could ask Sans why he brought you to Geno, he was gone,"How does he... what ever."

Losing your hand on the handle, you noticed that it felt strangely comfortable to grip. Turning the knob, you knew that your apartment door was unlocked.

Getting nervous, you grab your metal bat, knowing from last time hangs love going through your shit for the goods. You couldn't help but get more worried for not having anything in your home. Why, because that means they'll wait for you to come home with the stuff. And if you don't have the shit, things turn ugly fast.

Pushing the door open, you hide by the doorway in the hall. Getting scared that you could smell something strange and the fact that it was pitch black. Not even the pointless wind had any light coming in which was out of the normal.

'You can do this,' you thought,' you did this before, so you can do it again.'

Turning to step in you swung the bat at the figure or object that blocked the window. To your surprise a light source that you never had turned on as someone grabbed the bat.

"As much as I want to, I'm not going to fight you right now dork."

All you saw was a human fish with long red hair in a high ponytail. You couldn't but saw what you honestly thought what the monster was.

"Ariel the mermaid is real?" You thought you took some good drugs but didn't remember taking any that day. "Where's your tail?"

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