Chapter 4

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What felt like hours, you finally arrived at a really fancy store. It seemed like it was Mettatons or something because you saw a lot of pink and black.

Entering the glass french doors, you were closely followed by Sans, Napstablook and the little human. Mettaton practical dragged you as he showed you around and awed at every outfit you walked past. No longer feeling like MTT brought you here other than ascuse to shop.

While blaring out Mettaton, practically fangirling over clothing, you noticed that Sans was always close by. Not like standing right next to you, but there while the other two did what ever they wanted.

Finally Mettaton started to throw cloths on you to try. It was as if he was trying to barry you.

Blinded by clothes, not being able to see anything, Mettaton assisted you and pushed you into a room.

"Walk out with every new out fit Darling! I want to see if it fits your personality!"

"Ok..." You said so he wouldn't tell again, anything to just not make this a in normal thing.

Throwing the cloths in a corner, you grabbed the top one. You were surprised the it was your third favorite color, but it seemed to shine. It was so beautiful you just had to try it.

Unzipping your jacket and stuffing the note pad in one of it's pockets. Entering your arms in the sleeves that just about covered your elbows, and stuck your head out to see in the mirror.

Strange you thought, you used to love trying on new cloths since it made you feel good. Nowing that you can buy something and call it yours just made you feel great, but... now you have zero money and a celebrity is buying everything for you. This made you feel like a stupid little kid.

Looking back at a pair of pants that compliment the shirt you wore nicely. So getting the once you had on, you carefully pulled the expensive pants on, making sure you don't look in the mirror so you wouldn't bring yourself down even more.

Then with no hesitation you walked out to see that everyone was waiting for you. And with one glance at you, their eyes grew wider as the expression in their faces changed to shock.

"What's up, never seen someone wear new cloths before." You said, trying to not fall apart of thinking that you look like an idiot. Why didn't you check how you looked before making strangers judge you.

"Well I picked out a perfect outfit for you darling." Mettaton spoke, trying not to mutter in amazement.

Frisk gave you two thumbs with the biggest grin as if they were almost trying to flirt with you. Shrugging that off, Sans just looked at you. You never been so unsure of what someone was thinking about you. It felt...nice for an odd reason.

"Good MTT, I knew you could do anything."

"Awe, thanks Blooky."

As Mettaton hugged the ghost somehow, Sans walked up to you. Clearly wanting to talk to you with eyes that spoke what he wanted with needing to speak.

"Mettaton, is it okay if I just walk around so I know it's not uncomfortable?" You asked, feeling like you, for some reason, had to talk to him.

"Sure Darling, go ahead, Sans will make sure you want ruin it... right."

"Hey I may be lazy, but that doesn't mean I'm careless."

"Good." MTT nodded in approval.

Then me and Sans just walked to a part of the store where no one could see us.

"What do you wan-." You tried to speak but Sans interrupted you with his sockets as black as death.

"So you have the soul of DETERMINATION, lucky you," his eyes somewhat returned to normal as his face still spoke a killer,"What do you plan on using this for? Gonna reset or something?"

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