Chapter 12

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Spinning around you saw nothing but your apartment. It is exactly the way you left it as your emotions mix all over. Not understanding why and neither really cared. Geno hates you and that all that matters.

Facing the floor, remembering about the goods you were finally going to sell. You were hurt, and the only thing that you thought, of what you used to do flood right into of the pain.

Maybe going back to the past would make you happy. Maybe if you did something that made you feel better would get ride of the tears that were forcing their way out into your face.

That was when someone decided to 'pop' in. Not in the mood and not afraid to show your unhappy state, you walked past the and went on the bed.

Sans didn't move and kept his back to you as his black eye sockets stared down at the floor. You did the same, but faced the head board of the bed with your legs criss crossed.

"Why are you here? Going to give me another threat? Teleport my to the roof and give me and 'accident' over the edge? Do it. I dare you." You tried to at least sound tough, but your throat felt funny making you sound depressed... well at least you know how you feel.

Then, in a flash, you could feel Sans right behind you. He was so close that if you moved, in the slightest bit, you would be leaning on his rib cage.

You stayed calm, waiting for him to say anything that sound like a joke... but nothing came. Both Sans and you just... sat there in silence and for some reason, it made you feel better.

As the time past an hour and thirty minutes was when the low, soft words spoke with a soothing whisper.

"Are you okay (y/n)?"

Closing your eyes out the sudden dryness in your eyes, you took a deep breathe. A part of you felt safe, that Sans wouldn't tell anyone if you spoke how you truly felt, but you refused.

Instead you were going to tell him a lie, but when you opened your eyes you were facing Sans somehow. His white pupils just you a look of concern. It felt strange since he has been avoiding eye contact from you for  a while now.

"Do you want me to deal with your mother for?"

You knew what you heard from him, but the way he said it was touching somehow. Just the tone and how calm and quiet he was. It was like he... cared?

About to answer, you noticed that he seemed to be moving... closer?! Yet still he wasn't touching you at all. Then you saw it, his eyes spoke it, and you frankly wanted to freak out.

Does Sans love you!!! But that doesn't make since!!! WHY!!! It doesn't make any since since he's been doing this strange hate and weird mood all day that have the impression that he hated you. WHERE THE FUCK DID THIS COME FROM!!!

In a snap, his eyes looked away as the draw attraction you were giving off somehow disapated. He got of the bed and you could feel that he was nervous but mad... and frustrated... You didn't even do anything. WHAT THE FUCK!!!

"Damnitdamnit. Whythefuckdidhehavetofallinlovewithher. NowIdoandnowIcan'thandlethisanymorenowthatmeandToriel... Well we aren't..." Then he threw his hands in the out of rage and more frustration,"Well maybe could if...AGH!!!"

Sans spun around and realized you were still here. He looked into your eyes for a second before pulling his hood up and stared in a completely different direction.

"I'mgoingtoleave. D-don'tseemeeveragain. Capiche."

Before he could get the chance to teleport away, you grabbed his arm so if he did, you would come along. Forcing him to face you by pulling hard on him, you asked the question.

"WHAT THE FUCK SANS! I didn't know you... loved me... Do you love me?"

His sockets went black so you could no longer tell what he was looking at. Not really care for his attention you depart the question.

"Sans do you love me?"

"Mnn." He mumbled in such a quiet voice, you wanted to shack the crap out of him.

"Oh my God Sans! Answer the GOD DAMN QUESTION!"



"No I don't love you."

"So what was that about?"

"None of your concern 'Ms. Batter Up!'"

"Well guess what comedian." You went close to Sans to make him uncomfortable or to be more intimidating... maybe both,"It's my only concern at this very moment."

"So scary, you going to drug me like your mother. I never thought you'd go so low."

At least you knew Sans was somewhat back to normal, but still. WTF WAS THAT EARLIER!!

"Oh I'll show you lie if you think that's bad boner king."

"I would like to see you break me bitch."

"Challenge excepted."

To get your answer and the truth out of Sans, you dig deep from your 'BAD' roots and slipped your hand down.

Your reaction was immediate as your soul felt a sudden wait as a force tried to pull it back. Before you got pushed away, you tried to read the expression off of his face. And you got your answer as you were forced back onyo the bed.

"So you do have feelings for me."

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!!!" Sans spoke as if he were trying to hold back something powerful.

"Why do you care about me?"

"Wait a minute! Explain what the fuck that was!"

"Stop dodging my question."

"DODGING? Your the playing dodgeball with my questions!"

"OMG!!! Sans why do you care about me!" You were getting annoyed and started to laugh at yourself for thinking that someone truly cared about you.

"WHY! W...why!..." he once again looked in a different direction but stood in a farther distance from you,"I don't love you... so stop saying that because it can't be true... it can't... It has to be."

At first you expected such cold hearted words, but then the sounded more desperate. As if he was trying to convince himself that he really didn't care about you. It was such a weird thing. You never heard any body say something like that.

"What does that mean? You don't love me but do?"

His silence stayed as the tension inside his fragile skeleton body seemed to be boiling. And that was when you understood as he disappeared.

"You hate me because you love me... But why would he love me and why doesn't he want to be in love with me? Why is today emotional! I hate this so much! AGH!!!"

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