Chapter 19

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You and Geno looked at eachother and nodded in unison to make one an other positive that plan be was golden. Of course both were risking their lives to kill one person but it was worth the risk. The world was going to be a safer place with her gone, unable to hurt anyone ever again.

Standing up Geno was ready to snap his fingers until his face revealed less confidence than a second ago. You were about to ask why but he spoke before you.

"Please don't die."his voice skakefully escaped his teeth as his soft and worried eyes meet into yours.

"I don't plan on it Geno, so don't worry. As long as we follow the plan nothing will go wrong." You turned your back to the monster, afraid he would be able to look right through you about the last part of the show down.

Holding your hands close to your chest with your bat you were ready to exit out of the save screen. The two white arm lossley wrap around your waist as a smooth surface leaned inbetween your shoulder blades.

"See yah soon."

"I plan on it."

Then with a snap of his skeletal fingers you were face to face of a reflection of yourself. So far so good, Geno managed to bring you to the main first floor bathroom of your mother's mansion. Firmly holding the bar at the handle you held plan b and walked out the door with extreme caution. 

Everything was dark and dead of sound while your foot step brought to life the surrealness of the current situation. Going down the hall you were slowly reaching your way to the kitchen of were Geno said Sans was. As your eyes races to look for any hidden camera's you finally arrived to see no living human and monster in the room. 

Your eyes scanned as you circled the island to only find some type of red liquid on the floor. You quickly scan the area before kneeling down and touched the substance with your index finger with the lightest touch. Then you cautiously brought the small red liquid up to your nose and knew exactly what it was.

Why was there a puddle of ketchup on the floor. Your mother hated leaving messes unless it did something to her advantage, but how is ketchup a high ground?

Standing straight up you continued the plan by going to the dinning room. Once again no one was there. As you searched you noticed how hard it was to dodge the view of the camera's so your mother couldn't say you were there.

Finally you reached the French doorways that lead you to the massive living room. You could hear muffled words of more than two people. It must be your mother and possibly Sans but the voice was to high pitch for the skeleton. Carefully you cracked open the door to gain a better view of the event that was taking place.

The first thing a saw was the fire place alluminating such bright light and heat catching you off guard. Forcing your pair of (e/c) to re-focus you saw a tall skeleton tied to a chair in front of the flames keeping the room in symmetry. Then you saw her, the witch in front of him laughing at the monster as tears flowed out of his thin eye sockets.

When you recognized who the skeleton was you could just feel the anger and frustration inside you wanting to claw out the woman's eyes with disgusted. How dare she mock him? He didn't do anything and has nothing to do with this. Why bring an innocent into a killers war?

Trying to keep yourself calm you could hear the skeleton you was scared and kept on rattling his bones from his terror. You just wanted to run in the room and save him, but Geno and you had a plan to end her suffering on other's and you just had to stick with it no matter how hard it was going to be.

As your emotions finally began to settle, your horrible mother held a phone to Papyrus that wasn't her own. You automatically asummed it was the skeletons until you heard who answered the device.


Your heart dropped when you heard Toriel's voice calling for the comedian with concern and confusion. The unpleasant lump in your throat sickened your gut as the wonderful monster you wished was your own mother spoke in questions of fear.

"Sans, what's going on? Why did you leave once (Y/N) disappeared? What are you hiding from? Please tell, I know I can handle it."

"TORIEL!" Papyrus shouted into the phone as the Mothers grin remind you of the Grinch.

"Papayrus? Where's Sans? Why do you have his phone?"

Your stomach twisted and turned into a knot as a disgusted surge filled your body as you held you hand over your mother in order to keep yourself quite. Why did this have to be your mother, your blood relative? Why did she have to act the way she did? What was so important that she had to ride all innocence from her mind? What was her goal that trumped her family without a need to think it over, almost instinct?

"TORIEL PROTECT FRISK!" The skeleton despratly shouted in hopes the mother would do has he said.

"Paprus what's wrong? Where is Sans?" Her voice spoke sternly to keep the situation she didn't even know in control in order to grasp the answer to her ever growing concerns of questions.

"Sans is..." Papyrus began until he choked up on his tears and utter sadness.

"Sans is what Papyrus?"

"Sans is dead."

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