Chapter 17

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Your P.O.V. -

You couldn't believe it. Is everyone truly an enemy. The only one you could trust is Geno, but the last time you saw him you guys got into a fight. You really regret it too which was weird to think. You, a person who doesn't care wished Geno wasn't mad at you.

You didn't even understand why. You just feel bad. You want to see him.

Maybe it's because now you are truly alone as you sat in the lemo with Metaton. Doing the plan because you are being forced.

How? Well you really don't understand either. Your brother just had to shot at Sans and you broke, for some odd reason.

He hates you and he saved you and tried to kiss you, so you assume it was because you subconsciously thought you had to repay him... By grabbing the gun and pressed it at your younger brother's chest.

Something about that made it feel like your mother was smiling like a grinch when you did that. And what made you tick of anger and confused was that she knew you would do that. Like she lived it before.

Internally screaming and hiding your emotions with a poker face, since Mettaton was sitting right by you, frustration started to consume you. A better word for this heavy and dark emotion would be pure hate.

You still are stuck in some kind of life your Mother has lived already. This why it was always so hard to get away from her, because she already seen everything before. You still needed to have patience, but that's not your trait so you found it to be extremely difficult to wait it out.

As the car finally made it to a stop, you got out of the car to see the house Frisk lived in. You just ignored and pretended you were listening to the super monster star as you layed your eyes at the window, seeing the child's face and thought of a plan.

Maybe if she had more determination she would be able to take down the Witch of the West once and for all. And maybe if the monster of of a mother doesn't have enough determination to reset to her beginning, you could properly tell Geno sorry for disappointing him. That's of course if he will ever let you are him.

"I'm sorry (y/n), but why do you want to be here again in the afternoon when we could be watching me dance my way into societies hearts with drama and dazzling amazement!" The robot star spoke as they posed dramatically in front of you, almost blocking the door.

"Sorry Mettaton but I just want to hangout with my friend Frisk." You tried saying politely since what you were here for isn't really a fond thought to be taken lightly.

"Fine, I guess my overly fabulous appearance is to much for you to handel at the moment darling." He spoke before going back in the lemo,"Call me when your ready to have the time of your dad life with me."

As the door closed, the vehicle door off and disappeared around a turn before you decided to walk up the front porch and knocked on the door. It was silent for a short moment until that familiar low voice answered the door.

"Who's there?"

"Banana." You answered without hesitation.

"Banana who?"

"Are you glad this joke doesn't mention an orange?"

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