Chapter 10

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"Ms., you must calm down. I know your still high but there's no point acting like this."


You struggled, nothing happened. All you could do was squirm in the body guards strong arms. This made you feel the opposite of happy jolly gumdrop were everything is perfectly good. And that was when your talents rushed in your mind.

You started thinking about what you were capable of. What you have learned over the years you had control of this world. The timeline. Your life... you grinned as you felt the rush of pure hate. And this time, you weren't going to show anyone mercy.

Suddenly the bodyguard noticed you weren't moving. It seemed to him that you lost the will to fight back. What he didn't know was that you were the hunter now, and he was the pray.

He released you with caution, not completely positive if you stopped. That was the biggest mistake he made. Without even knowing, he unleashed an animal that finally was waking up from a dark cage.

With no sign of warning, you spun around and slammed your hand to his throat. The muscular man fell immediately to his knees, trying to breathe and recover from sudden shock.

Standing up, you walk over to the front door and opened. Before you you left, you looked down and saw the mat. Then the grin turned into a disrupting smile as you kneeled down and moved it. Your eye shines as plan b, the bat, appears in front of you.

"You want to know something bodyguard?"

Hearing the man trying to crawl towards you made you rush a little bit as you grabbed the handel and stood up. Turning around, you saw him almost on his feet with his right arm stretched out to you.

"I really hate my mother."

And with one swing, hitting him on the side of his rib cage, he feel like a flyless bug. He could only curl up into a ball from the pain.

As you stood over him, you caught this itchy feeling that wasn't really satisfied. You wanted to see his blood pooling out of a corpse. The carving to show that fucking woman a message.

"Maybe if I show what she created, she'll finally get the message that I'm done playing her games. That I'm done being the pawn on a chest board. Maybe now she'll realize that I the fucking queen now." You laughed as the man on the floor looked at you, asking you for mercy,"I am DETERMINED to make her pay for what she has done to me."

Tightening your grip, you grabbed the handel with both hands and held plan b over your head. And with one final breathe, you decided what would happen next.


Sup guys,

So I want to ask you what you think should happen next since this is you.

Leave your thoughts in the comment section below and wait to see what happens in the next Chapter!

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