Chapter 18

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You didn't even realized how much you missed the skeleton. You barely even now him as you wrapped your arms around Geno giving him a warm hug. Tears ran down your eyes as you barried your face in the red scarf he wore around his neck. This was so unlike you but you didn't care, ao many things you have been keeping hidden away crawled up to the surface dramatically making it's presents known.

You never really put yourself first and considered how you were feeling. All you were doing your as trying to kill me the bitch called mother so Eric would be okay. Was that wrong of you to make you feel this bad about everything? Was pushing Frisk the last wall you had to keep your composer?

What surprised you even further was when you felt the broken Sans hug you back as he stroked your hair in hopes that it would comfort you. And it did as more and more emotions pulled out of your soul to Geno's eyes. You were just done with living, you wanted everything to end.

"I'm sorry, I should have been on your side about you mother." He spoke.

You push out of the hug and look at the skeletons eye socket that showed more sympathy than anyone has given you. Your chest just had a flutter feeling before starring at the monster with confusion.

"What do you mean your sorry? I nearly killed an innocent person because I was mad. I was wrong."

"True but how else would have you acted when so many things we're happening at once."

"But it was wrong." You protested not understanding why he was still on your side, even Eric would have given up on you.

"And it was, but that doesn't change what your mother did. If anything you were just in the middle trying to find a out."

Already knee deep of not understanding what was going on with Geno and why he was on your side still a hundred percent. Then he just had to pull out your plan b bat and held it for you to have.

"I also thought since plan a didn't work, there is always plan b."

You could feel your chest grow warm as the tears slowly flowed down your cheeks. He was on your side and now he was helping you. Why? Is he going to trick you or, or, or something. But that wouldn't make since, but why was he being so... Kind to you?

"I-I... "You began to speak before Geno wiped away the tears with his thumb.

"I know. You don't get it."

Then the most unexpected happened as you both leaned in closer and you kissed Geno on his skeletal teeth. As you did you grabbed the bat and made a small smile except this was a special smile, because you finally truly meant it.

"Thank you Geno, nothing I have done or can do will never be better than you being the way you are... But like you said, it's time for plan b."

Sans P.O.V. -

Shoot shoot shoot is all the skeleton could think of as he roamed the outside of the mansion of (Y/N)'s wicked mother. She just disappeared making him now for a fact Geno has her on the save screen is he will not bring him there. He honestly couldn't blame himself since he was lieing to him making Sans want to chuckle that he was lying to himself which seemed to be extremely accurate for his normal day to day life.

Finally having enough the skeleton teleported inside the mansion right in the kitchen knowing this was one of the few places with no cameras. And not to his surprise the hag was there with her back towards him.

"How did you know she was going to do that!" Sans shouted,"You knew exactly what she was going to do and that only means one thing from what I have been through. This isn't the first time this has happened."

"I would give you a slow clap,"the woman began to speak as she turned around with a kitchen knife,"but my hands are full."

"How many times have you reseted?" Sans spoke with his sockets black and empty like the void.

"Oh come on Sans, can't read it from the expression from my face."the witch chuckled as she swurled the knife carelessly.

"I already have a long time ago, I just want to hear you say it."

"I'm afraid you wont be alive long enough to hear me finish telling you."

Sans eye light up blue and yellow as the mothers soul turned blue. Lifting his left hand the mother barely had her feet lifted off the floor.


Sans flinched as he say his brother, Papyrus, standing behind the mother as Eric had a gun to his neck. Sans tried to focus on keeping the mother trapped in his magic but he couldn't help but switch to Eric and held him up in the air as the mother held the knifes blades at his rib cage.

"If I was told correctly my great great great grandmother slashed you across the chest in the genocide run."

Sans magic weakened even more ad he heard those words slip through her lips.

"Now I hear that her soul is trapped with a child that my own daughter wished to killed. It still puzzles me how a child not from my family line had so much determination that my perfect daughter lost what made her special."

"You mean you are a descendent of Chara."

"I'm flattered you remember her name. Now if you don't mind I need to get ready for my daughter to come and kill me."

The she held up the knife and slashed down as a red liquid dripped down the skeleton teared white shirt. Papyrus yelled his brothers name as the mother laughed hysterically leaving echoes to stretch throughout the house, wanting (Y/N) 's ears to hear her mothers maniacal laughter. The truth fight of blood shed has finally arrived in the mansion of determination.

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