Chapter 22

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A faint smile slithered onto your face as he closed your eyes, fully aware of what was going to take place. Reopening your lids a faint chuckle escaped your lips as Geno held you nice and tight in his arms bridal style. It was obvious he didn't want to let you go as rested his forehead against yours. You felt completely safe as you wrapped your arms around the skeleton as joy consumed your soul.

"Plan b worked Geno. We did it. The bitch is finally dead." You spoke in a whisper as tears over whelmed your vision to a blur.

That was when his grip tightened around you, forcing yourself to pull back to see that his plastered grin was covered by his scarf. His face wasn't filled with joy as tears of sorrow escaped his sockets.

"What's wrong?" You questioned.

"You can't leave the save screen."

Your heart dropped as Geno feel to his knees and began to quietly sob. His bones rattled more and more as he wrapped his arms tightly around your now fragile body. His quiet sobs forced overwhelming tears to flood down your cheeks.

"What do you mean?"

"Sans is dead. I can't see him. All there is is endless darkness." He told you in hopes to answer your question lightly.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

His arms vibrated as he pulled out of the hug to stare at you in the eyes. You nearly broke down as his face was an expression you never seen before. He was truly broken.

"If he's not here then he can't teleport you away from the fall."

"But Frisk survived." You stated in hopes that would brighten up the situation.

"Flowers broke the child's fall with the help of the barrier. The barrier is gone and Toriel hasn't water the flowers for months."

Your heart halted as you stopped breathing at the realization that finally got you. You always wanted to die but, seeing Geno broken in this helpless state broke your heart into two. How could you leave now, after all without giving it much thought, Geno have you a reason to breathe and without your knowledge the same for him.

"There must be something I can do like grab the wall to slow my speed down or...or...or something."

"You have to stay in the save screen."

"But I can't stay here forever Geno. I want a life and... and..."

"I know... but can you please stay with me... I don't want to loose you. I-I...I love you."

You held your breathe as Geno and your tears came to a halt as you both stared at each other in utter silence. You couldn't respond to that, but you had to. You had to say what you ment no matter how silly and stupid it felt.

"I love you too, Geno."

With those words spoken you kissed Geno on his skeletal teeth, finally understanding why you thought of Geno when things seemed rough. He was the only one that truly cared about you and did his best to keep you safe, but right now in the real world you were falling to your death by the devils side. It was nearly poetic but so real of pain and sorrow like your life you experienced with scars as evidence, but know in the sweetest moment you currently in none of that mattered except for Geno.

Pulling away with a broken, yet meaningful, you smiled as you to him what you finally knew what you wanted. You finally had a future that made you enjoy every passing second you lived with the monster that held you in a tight embrace. 

It was strange of you to think so positive out of a negative situation as if your depression never existed in your determined soul. That just made the moment even more precious as you looked into the monsters eyes giving him complete hope.

"Let me go."

"That's not funny." Geno spoke as his grip tightened even more.

"No matter how much I want to G., I can't stay here knowing that I am dieing."

"Yes you can." He spoke with living experience.

"Geno I lived my life doing things my mother wanted me to do and one of those things is to live. I don't want her to win apon her death G."

"Who cares I don't want to loose you."

"Then come with me."

Silence intended the atmosphere as the monster's grip loosened as a genuine smile changed the pain the skeleton had suffered. You knew what he was going to say and same to you as the only communication that passed between you two were your smiles that finally ment that both of you were more than happy. With that left the save screen was empty of any remembered soul as the real world replayed once again.

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