Chapter 9

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Throughout most of the day you dodged John as you only talked to Eric, but barely. You just told him all the ideas that were spilling into your head while he mapped it out on his blueprint's. Then he would tell Sans and the other skeleton to go buy shit and John would do whatever with the shit.

Sounds like you did a lot of work but you would be wrong. All what you guys did was paint, did the floors and built the front counter. And to be honest, you did nothing to help, because you still have this feeling that it won't matter.

Frisk will reset, why, because that's what you would do. To get a better outcome than the one before, which explains why you became good at everything you tried. All because you could, and Frisk is no different.

After waving goodbye to the skell-a-bros you were going to leave with Eric, but you noticed John wasn't leaving. The sky was almost pitch black and still he wouldn't leave. Then it hit you as if you ran right into a brick wall.

Your mother and Eric must have planned this out. This must be the reason why she wants you to go to her house, so she can force you into what she expects you to be. And Eric would help because he thinks mother is the best person in the whole world and only wants the best for everyone.

You rub your head as you rest your elbows on the counter. All you wanted was to a be drunk so you can act like this wasn't happening. Closing your eyes you just tried to pass out so your brother would have to take you home. Then the true horror began when you felt a hand lie on your shoulder. Peaking your eyes open you saw John.

Oh my fucking god, you thought as you stood up straight with a smile. Thinking as long as you act 'normal', the sooner time will pass.

"Hey, John, I thought you were leaving."

"No, your brother invited me for dinner at your Mom's," he smiled the whole time as if he was happy to talk to you,"He also told me you would be joining us as well. It's that great, we can finally talk instead of work."

The thought played in your head from many past experiences. When ever a guy says, finally talk, or whatever. What he is actually saying is,'I want to fuck you because your a bad bitch.' This pissed you off, but you hide it as you tried to say something not bitchy.

"Well before we go and talk, let's finish up, okay." You surprised yourself from how nice that sounded, you wanted to punch yourself because that sounded a bit to nice.

"Alright, can't wait to see you." Then he finally turned around and your smile dropped.

"Hey (y/n)!" Yelled your brother who stood at the door.

Your smile shoot back up as you stood straighter.

"Yes Eric!"

"We're done! So get out before I lock you in!"

To be honest, you never felt like you were about to break as you almost did. You almost dropped your smile when his words processed in your mind.

"Okay, I'm coming."

Walking to the door, you noticed John got there before you and held the door open. Going passed him, you just felt so on edge and uncomfortable. You couldn't believe this guy might be your boyfriend soon without you even knowing it.


You couldn't help but speed up your walking pace before the guy had a chance to open the door for you. Getting into the car you tried to slow down your breathing since you felt like you were about to have a heart attack. Then you put your hands into your coat pocket and you felt the box of cigarettes and your lucky lighter.

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