Chapter 21

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By some fait that wields against you, your mother some how managed to bring you along the tunnel where you couldn't see a God damn think. It was so dark that when you finally reached the end the moon and stars made you hiss. Of course this only pissed you off once the hag did a small chuckle from your 'cute' or 'adorable' reaction. You wanted to snap at her but your eyes took your thoughts of her and the view you were looking at.

"Is this..." you began but just couldn't finish as you stared down the hole that lead to the monsters old home.

"Yes honey it is. This is where the child named Frisk fell."

"Why did you take me here?" you questioned while taking a step back from the unpredictable monster.

"I simple didn't want to further ruin my house." She spoke with a smile as she went towards the entrance of the cave they were in.


"You came to kill me right, (Y/N)."

"Y-yah." You hesitantly spoke as you starred to feel off, like something bad was going to happen.

"Well then,"she spoke as she faced you with a smile,"come kill me."

"What are you playing at?" You asked as you prepared yourself for the worse.

"Nothing my daughter, just waiting for the inevitable."

A sweat dropped from your forehead as you watch the woman before you extremely close. This whole set up just didn't seem right. She was supposed to stop you from killing her, to take back her perfect daughter the trophy. Instead she wanted to fight, to break her shining trophy as if it didn't matter. Was she really that crazy?

"You're hiding something." You stated as you kept your fighting pose.

"What do I need to hide?" She smiled as she went on the tip of her toes and spun around like a ballerina,"I just want to dance."

You fucused into your mother's movement's, trying to understand what her plan really was. That was your first mistake. 

Caught off ground the witch quickly pulled a leg out and kicked you on the side of the face, forcing you to fall on your right hip as your hands catches your upper body from the rock floor. Turning your head you saw her towering before as her front was completely shaded in black while her eyes and smile seemed to glow a bright red.

"Oh (Y/N), I thought I taught you better than that. What have thows monsters turn you into?"

With one quick kick, your arms jerked to your gut. This caused you head to become exposed and the devil slammed her foot into your face casing your ears to ring slightly as your face went numb. 

Bringing her legs back down you took the aportunity of your mother having a break and snatched plan b out of her grasp. Before the old hag could have time to attack you once again you kicked her in the side of the knee. As your horrible excuse of a mother went down on one knee, you rolled further away from her before helping yourself back to your feet.

"You're still going soft on me honey bun. You should have broken my femur with the bat instead. I am going to punish you for that."

Fear ran down your spin as your mother's trait began to reveal how strong it was compared to you. How were you going to do the plan when you don't have enough determination. Why do you have to be so useless.

Sighing out of fustraion and fear, you prepared to batter up as your mother pulled out her belt. Such unpleasant memories ran threw your cold blood as your teeth clenched to warm up your focus on the end prize. Freedom was going to be tonight. Not a perfect girl with her carrying mom on mother's day. It was just you, plan b, and the last piece of motivation you were willing to pull out of yourself.

"Then come at me bitch!" You threw your anger out of your shout as your mother walked in a menacing slow pace.

"Now now, that's no way to speak to the person who have you life."

The witch moved the belt in a wip like fashion as you hesitated and swung too soon. Barely even a dustspek distance flew passed your mother's nose as the belt slammed right on your collar bone. You so badly wanted to stand your ground but it was like she knew what was coming as she pushed you back even further with slimmest of effort. 

Gripping the handle of the metal bat in your left hand, you felt yourself not touching the rock ground when you should've. That was when your heart seemed to halt in place as the cold emptiness consumed the inside of your chest. You were falling down the hole where all the eight children fell, but only 'two souls' walking out. 

You just feared that this was the moment you were going to die and that made you scared with the slightest hint of joy as you threw the metal bat at the edge your mother so happened to be standing on. With a smile you saw the ground from underneath her grumble away bring her down into a deathly fall together.

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