Chapter 23

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Maniacal laughter pierced your ears as you saw your mother flying below you to the ground with a mission in sight. Then with a short amount of time silence struck as the witch saw the skeleton with a red scarf holding you bridal style as small amount of dust flew off his skull. A smile grew on your face as you knew that Geno was determined to end this before he turned into a pile of dust.

"Well this is new," The witch spoke as she pulled out a knife,"but this sadly isn't what I was looking for."

With the shine of the weapon you could feel Geno grip tight around your right arm. You could just sense his fear radiating onto you a you began to worry.

What if you kill her and things start over again? She obviously has been doing this before and that already made things difficult as is. But that would mean you had to over power her determination upon her final breaths. With all of this in mind, a plan came to thought which made you choke up with sadness.

Looking at Geno's sockets as he slowed down time a faint smile overwhelmed your emotions as you wrapped your arms tight around him. You took the skeleton by suprise as his grip of you weakened.

"Don't come for me." You whispered where a humans ear would be if the one loved wasn't a skeleton.

"No." He mumbled as you quickly forced you self out of his grip before he had enough time to realize what you truly ment.

As you fell out of his reach you waved good-bye before turning your back to him so you faced your mother. A smile revealed on her face.

"Are you coming to telling me your farewells honey." She spoke with an eerie sweet tone.

"That's one way to put it." You spoke with sadness and a hint of anger before kicking at your mother's chin.

Catching your foot your mouth held up the knife and stabbed you in the shine, forcing yourself to become more determined to live, yet it still wasn't enough to overpower the devil below you.

Holding back a painful scream as warm liquid oozed out of the broken skin. Forcefully out of the burning pain, you threw a fist at the woman's jaw only to have the weapon of her choice blade go threw your forearm. Screaming in agony you could feel your determination rising at an accelerating rate, near the bounder of the witch before you.

"No matter how hard you try, I will always be above you." The mother spoke as she stabbed you straight in the gut.

The pain was beyond bearable as the knifes blade tore your stomach open, pooling out the acid as it burned your insides. That wasn't enough for the devil as she took both her hands to the side of your head as her thumbs pressed down on your eye balls. Your brain forced your skull to scream migraines as horrific screams escaped your mouth.

"I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" Your cries echoed as your trait boiled over her power.

Without a second thought you pulled the knife out of your gut and stabbed your mother straight in the heart. As your eyes felt pressure disappearing you opened your eyes to see a genuine smile on your mother's face.

"Finally..." she mummbled as the light from her eyes vanished as the ground came to fast for you to process anything.

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