Meeting the Ice Skaters! (Edited)

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(Y/N)'s POV:
I can't believe I actually did it. I made first place in the Ladies Junior Grand Prix. As I was walking out I couldn't help but notice that the men's junior also had a winner it was someone from Russia.

(Time Skip)
I was in the rink when I saw Viktor and the young Russian boy enter. "Focus on your dance (Y/L/N)" Julian Klemit, my trainor, said "I am" I said. I got so into my dance that I didn't realize the pin lying in the middle of the rink, as I landed from my triple spin I landed and totally wiped out. "(Y/N)!" I heard Julian say. I wasn't paying attention there was a bad pain in my hand. "Oh my is she okay?" I heard Viktor ask "I bet she's faking it" said the Russian boy. "I'm fine move" I stood up but as I did my sleeve of my outfit go ripped by the pin, and it showed my scar that I got from my stepfather that said "mine" I covered it, took my skates off, and ran out crying.

Yuri's POV:
As Viktor and I enter the rink to practice I noticed the famous trainor Julian Klemit, and a girl a round my age. "Don't you think she is so lovely when she skates, it just draws you in." Viktor said calmly "focus on your dance (Y/L/N)" I heard Klemit say followed by a soft "I am." About one minute later (Y/N) was doing a beautiful spin that I couldn't even pull off. Her landing was perfect then boom, she was on the floor. Viktor went running towards her asking if she was okay. (Y/N) stood, only to have her uniform ripped on the pin on the ground, her soft delicate skin had a horrible scar on it that said "Mine." Who would do that?  (Y/N) went running off crying. Next stop the Kimiky (Your stepfathers last name) family for my room. ( he is staying at your house)While Viktor is going somewhere else.
(Time Skip)
I got to the house, it was very small, "please come in I don't bite but my husband might." A lady met me at the door. I followed her to the kitchen to see a boy, around 9 or 10 eating, a man reading the paper there was three empty spots at the table one had no food and the others did. The man looked at me and said " sit and eat I can't have food go to waste, since my daughter won't come home to eat anymore all she cares about is her stupid skating. I mean so what you won first place in your division." Then I knew exactly who's house I was in, I was in (Y/N)'s house, but odd why don't they have any of her medals or trophies hanging up, there wasn't even a picture of her. "(Y/N) your late." That pulled me out of my thoughts. "I know I was at Mrs. Klemit's house getting my wrist wrapped" she said looking down I saw she had a black bandage wrapped around her wrist she also had a new shirt on. "We'll go to your room and show this young man where it is he is going to stay in there, with you." "Yes dad" (Y/N) said in a little whisper, "(Y/N) how was your day?" The boy ran up to her and asked. "It was great I even managed to finally land the triple toe loop, but then I wiped out because of a pin on the floor" (Y/N) said with a little smile. Odd she was so scared around her father now she is happy, what is going on?

(Y/N) led me to her room, "It's not the greatest but here we are" she said. In the room there was all kinds of trophies and medals even a outfit hung on the wall behind glass, it was the one she one first place in. "Sorry I have so much stuff..." She then paused then said "hey you're Yuri Plisetsky, you won the men's junior Grand Prix, woah" then there was a shattering sound. I looked down to see a picture on the floor the glass shattered around it. "Shadow how dare you." (Y/N) scolded a black cat that came by my feet, as (Y/N) took her cat outside I picked up the picture I was shocked to see it. The picture had (Y/N)'s mother, Viktor, (Y/N) and a man that had his arm wrapped around (Y/N)'s mother. I felt a tug on the picture that made me let go of it.

(Y/N)'s POV:
I came back to my to see that Yurio had the picture of my family on it. I tugged it out of his hands and put it in my closet. "Why do you have a picture of you and Viktor?" Yurio said as he grabbed my arm. "Because the man in the picture is my father he was training Viktor at the time, so when we had family pictures taken he joined us, that picture was taken two months before my father died, then Viktor had to go back to Russia." I said almost looking down but I kept eye contact with Yurio. "How did your dad died if you don't mind me asking?" Yuri asked "He was in a car accident going to one of Viktor meets, my mother was the assistant so she subbed in for my father, trying to contact him the entire time. I was at our house practicing, I wasn't allowed to go to meets, they thought I would distract Viktor. So I didn't know until the next day when my mom came home crying." I said having tears cloud my vision. "I've got to go, leave the window unlocked and you can use my bed just, if my stepfather asks where I am tell him I'm at Mrs. Klemit's house" I said as I climbed out the window.

Yuri's POV:
She climbed out the window just like that. I called Viktor
V=Viktor. Y=Yuri (They are speaking in Russian but I don't know any so on we go)

V: Hello Yurio what can I do?
Y: knock it off I need to ask you a question.
V: if it's about (Y/N) yes her father used to be my trainer before I got big.
Y: how did you know I was going to...
V: Mrs. Kimiky called a bit ago saying that (Y/N) is worried about something, I mean this is the day her father died, I find it strange that she had a fall today. When I watch her videos she never messes up.
Y: wait a minute (Y/N)'s mom called you, and anyway what is (Y/N)'s last name?
V: her last name is (Y/L/N), her mother has a different name since she remarried, but (Y/N) didn't want to take the last name of her stepfather.
Y: I have another question why would her mother remarry to a jerk like him?
V: They lost their home, they didn't have money, so she married a man that she thought she loved. I was at the wedding as a ring bearer so we had to stay after the reception to get pictures, (Y/N)'s mom and even (Y/N) got slapped on more than one occasion.
Y: then why are they still together?
V: I went there 10 years ago and they had a baby, but (Y/N) was 5 she was forced to put all of her skating medals and what not in her room, Yurio I have to go bye!

(Call ended)
So the boy is theirs, I looked and found something online it was a picture of (Y/N) holding a baby while standing beside the rink, the caption said (Y/N) (Y/L/N) is greeted by her mother and a new sibling after her competition. I read a little more
After an eventful night of skating Ms. (Y/N) (Y/L/N) was taking a victory skate with the others when her mother come out holding a blue bundle of joy, this is (Y/N) first sibling, I wonder if he will be like her when he is older.

(End of article)
Well he didn't because he doesn't have any medals or even skates then I saw another picture hanging up on her wall. It was her and her brother, her brother was on a hospital bed with a cast up his leg. "Why are you going through sissy's stuff?" "I was wondering why you don't have any skating medals or why you don't skate." I said "oh three years ago when I was 7 I broke my leg at a competition I was trying to be like Viktor but I landed on my skate wrong. And that was then end of my ice skating career." He said with a little laugh "what's your name?" I asked "James Kimiky but i want my sisters last name. what is your name?" "Yuri Plisetsky" "NO WAY" he shouted. We started laughing until we heard "JAMES MIKAELA KIMIKY GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!!!!!" "I'll be back, its best if you don't listen." James said as he left odd, then I heard a loud smack, I laid down plugged in my headphone and listened to my favorite song.
Hey what's up this is my new Yuri on Ice fanfic and only one right now. Tell me how you like it and I update after 5 people have read the newest chapter.

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