OMG (Edited)

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Yuri's POV:
I woke up early, it was a Friday, I looked to my side to see a naked (Y/N). I began to blush and thought well shit she is going to think I'm a player, I have to think of ways to make her feel better without having sex, jeezzz, I am so dumb. I sat there with my head in my knees saying "stupid, stupid, stupid" over and over into Russian.

(Y/N)'s POV:
I woke up to hearing Yuri saying something in Russian, I remembered last night, I think that he was only trying to cheer me up,maybe he doesn't like me at all. I took out my phone and put it on google translate to see what he was saying "stupid" over and over again but why? "Hey Yuri why do you keep calling yourself stupid?" I asked, he looked over at me shocked "how did you know what I was saying?" I held my phone up, "so answer my question, why are you calling yourself stupid." I asked again, "I wanted you to be happy and feel good about yourself, I wanted you to forget what happened yesterday and have a good sleep, I didn't mean to have sex with you this soon, I thought maybe when we were older, but what's done is done. I understand if you want to break up with me." He said very sincere "it's alright I understand, it did take my mind off of yesterday's problem, and....." I stopped myself from gabbing, I kissed him. He pulled away after what felt like forever and said " we should get dressed, after all we have our outfit fittings today, then after to visit James." Yuri said "okay I'm going to take a shower" I said as I went into the bathroom.

Yuri's POV:
Good, she doesn't hate me for last night, I mean it was an accident, I only meant to have a talk with her, and it escalated very quickly. (I read your comments XD)
(Time Skip)
Yuuri, Viktor, (Y/N), and I went into the store to get our measurements. "Yuri Pliestsky and (Y/N) (Y/L/N) please follow me" the lady in the clip board (Y/N) and I stood up and followed her. "I hope you don't mind but your measurements will be in the same room, so when I come back just be in you undergarments." She said as she walked out.

(Y/N)'s POV:
Yuri and I stood there in our undergarments for five minutes before the lady came back with another lady. "Hello I am Selena Bathory, I will be making your outfits for your skating competitions" the lady said with a smile. "Nice to meet you this is Yuri and I'm (Y/N)" "oh I know dear, let me ask are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?" She asked looking at how calm we were standing there in our underwear "yes we are actually" Yuri said. "Okay, I'm going to have to make your sleeves long (Y/N) since your bandage, and Yuri we'll make your long too to match." She said writing in her notebook. "Now then Yuri and (Y/N) put your hair up and I'll start my measurements with Yuri."
(Time Skip)
When we were all done she gave us her card so we could call if we have questions. "Thank you Ms. Bathory" I said with a bow, "Oh don't mention it I owed Viktor anyway." She said walking way, I turned to Viktor and said "okay I need to go visit my brother, see you tomorrow for practice Viktor." he hugged me from behind "bye (Y/N) and Yurio I'll see you tomorrow, tell your brother I said hi" "will do" Yuri said.

Yuri's POV:
We were walking to the hospital when there was clicks and flashed, I was holding (Y/N)'s hand to show the world that she is mine and on one else can have her. I heard some comments too "oh she is so pretty. How long have they been and item?" But there was some I didn't like " she is too ugly for him, why is he with her?, how dare she steel him from me?"  I looked at (Y/N) to see her looking into my eyes, I leaned in and kissed her for the cameras. Then we ran into the hospital, stopping to walk before we entered the doors. (Y/N) walked up to the front desk and said "hello Miss, what room is James Kimiky in?" the lady looked up and said "room 230 Ms. (Y/L/N)" "thank you, have a nice day."

(Y/N)'s POV:
"Hey James how ya feeling?" I asked smiling "oh good I guess,I have nothing to do so I'm just browsing the web seein you guys suck each others faces on camera" James said looking at Yuri, like he was going to kill him, I mean James was born when I was almost 5, he is almost 11 years old now. "James we are boyfriend and girlfriend get over it" Yuri said with a laugh. "I know, just remember if you hurt her I will hurt you" James said. The doctor came in "oh hello, (Y/N) how are you?" "I'm good, I wasn't home when everything happened" I said "I'm know, James will be able to get released from here at the end of the week, but I'm afraid you and he are going to have to go to an orphanage, since you aren't 18." Once he said that I started crying "if I'm put in an orphanage am I going to be able to ice skate? Because I'm a champion." "No you can not unless you find someone that is willing to take you, we can have a private adoption."

Yuri's POV:
Once the doctor said they would have to go to an orphanage I started texting my mom, dad, and Viktor. I knew my parents would say no, I mean I'm their only income, but if they adopt (Y/N) we would have two incomes but I don't want that to happen because then we can be boyfriend and girlfriend so I texted them never mind, but I don't know about Viktor. He hasn't looked at the text yet.
You guys got three update in one day, you guys are lucky I normally only update once a day but if you guys love the book I'm willing to update a lot. Tell me how you liked it, and comment away, I do read them XD.

Frozen Love, Yuri Plisetsky X Reader (Completed) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now