Yuri is a Kitty Cat (Edited)

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Yuri's POV:
I was unpacking (Y/N)'s and my stuff , when I saw something that caught my eye, it looked like a shirt, I picked it up. It was a shirt it had (Y/N)'s mother and father holding a baby, I'm guessing the baby was (Y/N). When I unfolded it a piece of  paper fell out it was is Russian so I could easily read it it said
Hello my son,
I hope that your new baby is treating you nicely. I can't believe that you are actually starting a family. I hope that she becomes a figure skater just like you, or even a ballerina like your wife, but she is her own person. I can't wait to see her.
Your mom
(End of letter)
I heard (Y/N) walk in. "Did something catch your eye Yurochka?" She said hugging me from behind and looking over my shoulder. "Yes is that you?" I said while pointing to the little bundle of joy that was my girlfriend. "Well yes. And I grew up exactly how my grandmother wanted" "but your not Russian" I said curiously "no I'm not my dad was adopted by her" (Y/N) said.

(Y/N)'s POV:
I found the cat headband I got while skating (like the on Yuri gets throw at him) I hobbled to him to see he was asleep, so I quietly put the headband on him "Mmmmhhh" I hear him grumble "nothing goodnight" I said as I hobbled out to where my wheelchair was, it was 9 which meant in 2 hours I had to be in bed, I then sat in my wheelchair and rolled out to where Viktor was. "Hey can you lift me on the couch" I said "no because your sleeping in my bed, and I'll take the couch" he said in a smile, I hate it, I have to sleep in a different room than Yuri just because I have to elevate my foot. I waited for what felt like was forever but it was only 20 minutes I fell asleep.

Viktor's POV:
I saw that my daughter was asleep in her wheelchair, I got up and picked her up. I took her to my room to see Yuuri asleep on my bed, well I'm just going to have to put her in with Yuri. I opened the door to see Yuri, in a tiger onesie and had cat ears on, I chuckled to myself, I laid (Y/N) down and put pillows under her foot, then gave her another blanket. "Goodnight my dear" I said kissing her head. I walked out turning the light off and cracking the door. I walked back out into the living room and folded her wheelchair up and put it outside their door, then went into my room to sleep.
(Time Skip)

Yuri's POV:
I woke up to feel someone next to me "hey you think this is funny?" I said out loud as I sat up only to see is was (Y/N) when did she get in here she was suppose to be on the couch or in Viktor's room. I got up and was dreading having too get out of my tiger pj's I looked in the mirror to see I had cat ears on my head. "WHY YOU!" I yelled running back to (Y/N) I shook her awake "wait is it its 6 six in the morning?" She said in her sexy morning voice, WAIT HOLD UP A MINUTE. DID I JUST SAY HER VOICE WAS SEXY? "Did you do this babe?" I asked her calmly "Maybe, maybe not, why?" She asked sitting up then she froze "wait why am I in here, Viktor said I was going in his room last night, not in your room." "I don't know I thought the same thing" I told her "well I'm going back to bed my kitty cat" she said putting the covers over her head. I climbed in next to her and wrapped my arm around her waist, she put her head in the crook of my neck, her breath made me shiver, then I started to get sleepy, and I went back to bed.
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