A Surprise for Yuri (Edited)

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(Y/N)'s POV:
I woke up to see that I was in Yuri and my room, that's odd, how did I get here. Then I heard Yuri yelling in the bathroom then I heard a 'crash' then he came out. "Great now I need to go to the phone store hopefully I still have my warranty. And that is goes country to country." He was mumbling to himself in Russian. I had Yakov, Viktor, and Lilia start teaching me some Russian to find out what he says to himself, but he doesn't know I can. "Hey Yuri?" "Yes?" "Do ya wanna go to the park or something, or go shopping?" I asked him "could we go to the phone store? I broke my iPhone screen." Yuri asked looking at his now shattered phone screen. "That will be perfect!" I got my crutches and went to the bathroom and got dressed, brushed my teeth, etc.

Viktor's POV:
"Hey James I think it's time for you and (Y/N) to get new phones. What do you think?" I asked James who was scarfing his breakfast down, he paused for a moment then said "YES!" Really loud. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs "What? What? What?" Yuri said in Russian as he entered the room. "Nothin. It was nothing." I told him as (Y/N) entered the room and said "hey dad can we go to the phone store, Yuri kinda broke his phone." Then she paused and looked down embarrassed because she just called me 'dad' "Of course that's where we were going anyway." We all walked down town to the phone store.
(Time skip cuz I'm lazy)
Yuri's POV:
I took a while but all of us have new phones and I even have a matching one with (Y/N), she doesn't know it yet but she is my wallpaper. I was about to get up when I heard "oh hey Yuri, hey (Y/N), Viktor your here too." I turned around to see the man I've wanted to beat since Canada, JJ.

(Y/N)'s POV:
Ever since JJ got here Yuri has been quiet and not wanting to do anything around him. "Oh hey I have something for you guys" JJ said as he grabbed Yuri and my shoulder and turned us around. He got his bag down from his back, the pulled out what looked like a blanket. "Open this when you get back to Yuuri's place and not a second before got it! I'll be seeing you later, maybe even tomorrow." JJ said then walked away waving. "I wonder what he got us?" I asked "probably something stupid, stating he is better than me or something." Yuri said looking down at it.

Yuri's POV:
I ran upstairs and waited till (Y/N) got up too, to open the 'present.' "okay you can open it now." I told him he got it out and a card fell. I opened the card, Yuri stopped what he was doing and looked at the card "please read it" Yuri said "okay."
To the most adorable partners in Figure Skating,
I thought it would be a nice present for you. (Y/N), you can use it when you are cold, and you can wrap up with Yuri in it. You guys did awesome at the couples skate, and you actually won gold. I've wanted to give you this for so long but you haven't been at competitions because of (Y/N)'s ankle, I only knew where you were because I saw (Y/N)'s little brother won first place in his division. Which tell him congratulations from the one, the only, JJ. I hope you really enjoy it, oh and treat (Y/N) like a princess or I will hunt you down Plisetsky.
(End of letter)
I looked to see that Yuri was opening it. It was a large blanket with a picture of us skating, then there was two mugs on with Yuri's face that says 'I belong to Plisetsky and the other had my face that says 'I belong to (Y/L/N). Then there was a disk in the middle that said 'Yuri and (Y/N)' then I saw something the I never thought even happened it was a pictur of Yuri and I when we were little. by the looks of is we were both 11.

Yuri's POV:
I stared at the picture in disbelief. My girlfriend, the girl I call mine. Was the girl I was best friends with when I was 11, but she had to leave and go back home because of a family crisis. She told me that we would meet again but I never saw her, I never noticed it was her once (say a hair color you want) was now (Y/H/C) and was (Y/H/L). She looked like a totally different person, but it was her in the picture. I wonder how JJ got this? I felt something warm running down my face, I looked up to see (Y/N) was in the same state, I walked to her and picked her up and spun her, passionately kissing her until we were out of breath. Man was I so glad she is back in my life.
======================================================What's up guys hope you like it. Thank you for reading and don't forget to leave comments or message me.

Frozen Love, Yuri Plisetsky X Reader (Completed) Book 1Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα