No More Chrutches but Walking Boot (Edited)

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Yuri's POV:
I woke up to (Y/N) shaking me. "Hey go get my dad and ask what time my appointment is." She told me, I got up and put on my shirt then left the room. Georgi was walking down the stairs and turned around. "Hey what are you doing up so early?" He asked me "I need to ask Viktor what time (Y/N)'s appointment is?" I said "oh I'm taking you guys there. Viktor is practicing with Yuri already, they will be practicing today." Omg why? Why does he have to take us? "Well then I'm going to get ready" I said walking up the stairs I got in to see (Y/N) looking at the picture of us again. "Hey you have to get ready babe" I said hugging her from behind "I know it's just I can't believe that you are little Yurochka from my ballet class." she said looking at me. she kissed me and went to the bathroom.

(Time Skip)

Georgi's POV:
We got in the little car I rented and I drove to the doctors office. "Hi we're here for (Y/N) Nikiforov's appointment" "yes just sign her in" the lady said not even looking at me. I sat down next to (Y/N), she had her foot propped up on Yuri's leg. She was in a conversation with him, they didn't take their eyes off each other. "(Y/N)" the nurse said (Y/N) got up, and Yuri and I walked behind her. we got in this little room (Y/N) sat on the bed and Yuri and I sat on the chairs next the bed. a few moments later the doctor came in.

(Y/N) POV:
"Hi (Y/N) how are you? I see it's time we check if you can get off these crutches." Dr. Helden said/asked "yes" I said Georgi looked at the doctor with this scared look when he pulled out the saw, then left. "Georgi it's to get my cast off, don't be scared" I said to him. Yuri looked at him with his handsome smirk and said "aww is Georgi scared of the Doctor?" "No I'm not its just weird to pull out a saw" then the doctor came in. We got the cast off now to the X-ray room.
(Time ship cuz X-rays take forever)
Yuri's POV:
When (Y/N) got back into the room we had to wait a little bit to get the results of her X-ray. The doctor came in "alright well no more crutches, but we will have to put you in a walking boot, is that okay?" He said "of course so I can walk again?"I asked excited "yes but you will have to take it easy okay" he said then he went to get my walking boot." "Great you'll be skating in no time" Georgi said looking at me with a smile. "Yes she will be" the doctors said walking in with my boot. He got down and put the boot on my foot. "Alright now stand up for me." Yuri came over just in case I fell and the doctor was on the other side. I stood and wobbled a bit but I got myself steadied. "Okay you're free to go ms. Nikiforov have a nice day." The doctor said as he left "you too, thank you" I said as I walked, which was hard. Yuri helped me into the backseat of the car while Georgi started the car. "Okay why don't we go see how Viktor and Yuuri are doing" "that's fine with me" I said.

Georgi's POV:
We got to the rink and I saw James was here, he was so good at skating, but not as good as Yuri was at 10. "Hey Georgi" James said as he skated to the exit of the rink "James what are you doing?" I heard Yakov yell at him "sorry but... (Y/N)'s HERE!" He said ask he went towards her he slipped but I caught him. "You okay?" I asked "yes thanks for catching me" he said as he put on his guards for his skates. "Oh hello (Y/N)" Lilia said (Y/N) then walks out from behind Yuri "hey your walking" Yakov said as he walked towards us. "Yeah, I just have to take it easy" she said smiling while hugging her brother.

Viktor's POV:
I wanted to see what all the commotion was when I saw (Y/N) walking next to Yakov, she didn't have crutches. I was running to her, "(Y/N) you can walk again" I said. "Yes I can. I'm meeting Phichit later with Yuri is that okay? She asked me "of course my dear" I said kissing the top of her head. "Do you need any money or anything?" I asked "no I'm fine I'll be going now bye. Oh thanks for taking me to my appointment Georgi." She said as she walked away with Yuri, they held hands as they left.

Yakov's POV:
I wonder how (Y/N) is going to skate once she gets her boot off, James has a hard time with his leg he broke but it's getting better. "Hey Yakov are you okay?" James said poking me "yes now get back to practicing" I told him he went to the rink and took off his guards then began skating again. I wonder how good of a father Viktor will be when we have to go back to Russia when (Y/N) and James have to leave their friends behind.

Yuri's POV:
As we were walking I looked and saw a guy that looked all too familiar I've seen him with (Y/N) before. The guy that was around in all of (Y/N) old skating pictures..... Her Ex "boyfriend" Kenny
Hi guys thanks for the reads! Hope you like it!

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