Yuri and (Y/N) Are Sick? part 2 (Edited)

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Viktor's POV:
We were shopping for competition outfits (as seen above) when Yakov got a text saying to buy Yuri and (Y/N) a pair of new skates and make sure they are a size up from their size right now. So I picked out a nice black pair for both of them, that would match the outfit we got them. I also found a suit in Yuri's size, so I bought him it, man he should be glad he is dating my daughter or I wouldn't be doing this, I would be making Yakov pay. "Do you think this would look good for (Y/N)?" Yuuri said holding a dark blue dress that was absolutely stunning, but the bad part is that it doesn't have a back and is open where her bra would show, but I think I could get someone to work on it to make it appropriate. Then I found a cute purple outfit. Then Yakov's phone started ringing.

Yakov's POV:
I was looking for a few things when my phone started to ring, I saw that Lilia was the one calling
(Phone call Y=Yakov L=Lilia)
Y: Hello what do you need?
L: you guys need to get your shopping done now, Yuri and (Y/N) are sick and I need help.
Y: how are they sick, I just saw them this morning and they were fine.
L: no it was after I sent him home, I guess it was too cold on the way, or he isn't getting enough sleep. But (Y/N) is sick too, which is what I don't get it.
Y: don't worry we'll be there soon, bye
L: bye
(End of call)
"Hey we need to go to your house Yuuri, (Y/N) and Yuri are sick and Lilia is worried." I said turning to Yuuri. "What? What happened to my daughter?" Viktor asked me grabbing my shoulders. "It's nothin I bet it's just a cold, all the time I've known (Y/N) she never once got sick" Yuuri said.

James's POV:
I was trying to help Lilia with Yuri and (Y/N). Ever since Celestino and Phichit left they've been throwing up, and running a really high fever. I got a break and ran to my room and messaged Phichit
(Text) J=James P=Phichit
J: hey I was wondering how you are doing?
P: I'm not doing good nether is Celestino. Why do you ask?
J: My sister and Yuri got really sick after you left, what did you guys do?
P: We drank some tea Yuuri's mom made for us. But it wasn't till after we got to our hotel room that we got like this. And it's odd Yuri didn't drink anything while I was over.
J: he drank some after you left. I'll ask Yuuri's mom what she put in it.
P: you do that tell me when you find out.
(End of text)
I ran down the stairs to the kitchen. "Hey Mrs.Katsuki what was in the drink you gave Yuri and (Y/N)?" I asked going to her "oh just a little tea and some herbs why?" She said looking at me "because anyone who drank it is sick, what herb did you use?" "Oh I used... OMG," I looked over to see the warning label on the little box of tea 'NEVER MIX WITH HOT BEVERAGES!' (Idk just go with it) "what does the side effects say?" Lilia asked as she took the box "all the ones they have." I said looking at her then I heard the door open "mom what did you do to them!" Yuuri shouted. "(Y/N) sweety how are you feeling?" I heard Viktor ask her "I'm fine, I think I'll be fine." She said as she grabbed onto him as he lifted her. "Yuri look at me you are not dying" Yakov told Yuri.

Yuri's POV:
Ugggg I feel like my insides are burning, what even made me like this, the last thing I ate or drank was the tea Yuuri's mom gave us, that's it the tea! There had to be something in there that made us like this.

(Time skip)
Viktor's POV:
I was sitting beside the bed Yuri and (Y/N) were. I've been there since Yakov and I carried (Y/N) and Yuri up here. We had a doctor come and look at them they are fine but need to stay away from cold places and over working themselves. So for the next week they aren't doing anything besides eat, sleep, and be up here laying down. The doctor also gave them some medicine, we also told him about Phichit and Celestino, he will handle them later. "So all we can do is lay here and get fat?" I heard Yuri ask, he was kinda angry. "Yes that's it, if you want to be back to full health" "how is (Y/N)?" He asked as he got a worried face "she is fine she had the same thing you have, so no need to worry." I said smiling I looked at the clock and saw that it's time for Yuuri's late night skating "alright I have to go you just stay in bed and watch over my little angel." "Okay have fun with the pig" Yuri said rolling over and hugging (Y/N)...

(Y/N)'s POV:
Omg I felt so much better but I have to follow the doctors order, but the bad thing is my time of the month is coming, and I haven't really been this close to Yuri to talk to him about it. (not like we like talking about that time) I got up and noticed a red spot on the bed, great, I started to cry. "Hey what's wrong? What happened?" Yuri said as he sat up, I forgot that I was wearing shorts and light blue ones at that. "Hey your bleeding, is it you time of the month or something?" He asked in his voice he talks to Yuuri in. I looked down and started to get really embarrassed, never in my time I've had my period has this happened. I ran and locked myself in the bathroom only to see I was out of pads and tampons, like wtf how is that possible.

Yuri's POV:
I really made her upset asking her that, I think she's embarrassed. It's happened infront of me before to the old hag Mila. I went to the store since it was down the road. I walked in and went to the girls section, I grabbed a box that said tampons and on that said pads then I went to the checkouts. When it got my turn the cashier said "I didn't think girls that are as skinny as you get their periods." She said looking at me "are you kidding me I'm a boy these are for my girlfriend now if you'll excuse me I have to get these to her." I payed and left with a huff when I got there I knocked on the bathroom door. "Leave me alone, I can't go out like this" she said "open the door I have something for you." She opened the door her eyes were puffy from crying I handed her the bag I also got her a surprise on the way home. "Thank you for getting these for me." She said smiling and looking embarrassed. "It's what boyfriends are for isn't it...." My stomach started to kill me again "why don't you lay down I'll be out soon" she said shutting the door, I layer there I heard the door open then I felt her lay next to me. "How did you know what to get?" she asked into my chest "one time Mila had an accident. Georgi took me to the store so we could buy something for her. He explained that girls need those every month so, idk, it's weird."I said looking down Georgi acted like it was nothing back then. Right after I mentioned his name again I heard "oh so you do think of me on your free time" he said smiling "why are you here?" I asked him.

Georgi's POV:
I was a little shocked I've been standing there for a few minutes into his convo with his girlfriend. I can't believe he bought her those, when Mila needed them again he told her to get them herself because it's her issue. "So what happened here?" I said pointing to a little red dot on a over sized shirt. I didn't mean to make (Y/N) cry but then she started to cry "hey are you trying to hurt her, I mean she is already hurting now?" Yuri yelled at me. And then we got into an argument.

Yakov's POV:
I heard yelling, and an oh too familiar yelling. Georgi and Yuri.
Hey guys tell me how you liked it. Thanks for the reads. And don't be afraid to comment.

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