No More Wheelchair! (Edited)

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Viktor's POV:
I was with Yuri and (Y/N) at the doctors office for (Y/N)'s check up to see how her ankle is coming along. "Well we have good news and bad news. The good news is that you don't have to have your wheelchair anymore, the bad news is that you have to have crutches for the rest of your healing process." The doctor told (Y/N) "so how long until I'm back to normal?" (Y/N) asked the doctor "well your never going to be the same with your ankle but you have two more months, and don't worry you can still ice skate." The doctor said then he walked out, his assistant came back with some crutches. "Have a nice day Ms. Nikiforov" he said and left the (Y/N) turned to me with a look on her face "you changed my name here didn't you?" She said looking down "no I didn't I just told them you were my daughter, that's all. I didn't change anything." "And even if he did why would that matter I mean you are his daughter?" Yuri said to her as he helped her put her coat on. "No it's just... Well..... I don't know. Can we just go to Yuuri's now?" She said "of course we can but after I show you a surprise" I said.

Yuri's POV:
I can't wait till (Y/N) sees the surprise that Lilia has for her. Last night I got a call from Viktor saying that he wanted me to come to the Ice Castle to help James with something, so I did. I was watching (Y/N) crutch along. (that's what my friends said when I had crutches XD) She was still a bit uneasy about walking with them but she had to.

(Y/N)'s POV:
I wonder what the surprise is? I was trying to walk with my crutches, I mean it was hard to because I had never done it before, Yuri was walking behind me just incase I fell. I slowed so I was beside him. "What do you think the surprise is? Or do you know what it is?" i asked Yuri "I know what it is, it's gonna make you happy, then he looked down at his phone and answered it with a "hello grandpa" when we got to the Ice Castle I saw Yakov waiting outside. "Hello Yakov" I said with a smile "hi, good your out of your wheelchair when can you skate again?" He asked me "in two months, then we can start practicing again" I said walking past him he grabbed a hold of my shoulder and said "wait a minute you can't go in there with crutches" Yakov said then turned to Yuri "I'll carry her in there, you carry her crutches." Yuri picked me up and started to walk in, I saw Lilia standing outside of the ice rink, and I heard skating. But wait is Yuuri here? then we entered the room and I couldn't believe my eyes.

James's POV:
I have been practicing with Lilia since (Y/N)'s accident. I've become a good ballerina Lila has told me. Then I started practicing figure skating with Yakov to show my sister. I've always wanted to skate but my dad never let me, something about my broken leg, I got it check out and was given the all clear to skate, but what am I saying, I can forget about that asshole and get on with my life, I have a new dad, Viktor. "Start skating Yakov said your sisters here" Lilia said. I began to skate to what Lilia had taught me I stopped and started skating to my sister after she said "OMG James that is so amazing!" I saw she didn't have her wheelchair and Yakov was carrying crutches "hey you're out of your wheelchair, congrats!" I said with a smile .
Hey guys hope you like it. Thank you for the reads!

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