The Unthinkable (Edited)

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Yuri's POV:
(Y/N) never really told me a lot about Kenny, other than her stepdad scared everybody that ever hung out with her away. "Oh hey (Y/N) long time no see" Kenny said walking up to us, he looked at me and smiled "hi I'm Kenny it's nice to meet you.." "Yuri Plisetsky" I said. Then Kenny was looking everywhere for someone, I think it was for (Y/N)'s stepfather "(Y/N)! Yuri! I found you thank God." Viktor said running to us. "Oh hey dad, what's up?"(Y/N) said, I looked to see Kenny staring with a confused look.

(Y/N)'s POV:
"Dear who is this?" Dad said looking from me to Kenny. "Dad this is my ex 'boyfriend' Kenny, Kenny this is my dad..." "Viktor Nikiforov" Kenny said shocked. "Why don't you come with us to get food, I'm sure you want to catch up with my daughter" my dad said to him "I'm good, I'll be going now." Kenny said as he ran from us. "Okay now what did you really want?" I ask my dad "it's about Kenny. He, he,..." "Spit it out!" Yuri yelled. "Kenny was the one that killed you family, he was working with his dad." I dropped to the floor I didn't want to hear anymore about it, it was gone and over my life is so much better with out my stepfather.   I heard sirens and Yuri pulled me up holding me close.

Yuri's POV:
I saw the an officer with Kenny. "You have the right to remain silent" (cue the law and order music) I felt something wet on my shirt, I looked down to see (Y/N) was crying." "Babe your safe as long as your with me" I said kissing the top of her head. Another officer put Kenny's dad in the squad car also. Then came to us 'Miss Nikiforov you are to be in court by 11:00 tomorrow bring anyone that was with you that day of the murder."

(Y/N)'s POV:
We got to Yuuri's home and Yakov called a lawyer that he knew, he came over on his private jet. I fell asleep by the time I woke up it was time to go to court.
(Time skip cuz I'm lazy)
After hearing Jame's and my testimony the jury reached their verdict. A man stood up "on the account of murder for Kenny and Justin Goodwin we find both defendants, guilty" I started crying tears of joy, finally my mom will rest in peace.  Yuri hugged me when we got to the front of the Ice Castle and whispered something to my dad.

Yuri's POV:
I pulled out a box from my pocket, it was our 4 month anniversary and I got her something special. "(Y/N) will you wear this as long as we're together?" I asked her pulling her closer she had tears in her eyes, her nodding her head, I carefully put it around her neck and kissed her full on the the lips. "Yuri I love you so much" so said and Viktor handed her a box "will you wear this as long as we are together" she said opening a box it was a ring that had our names on it I she put it on my ring finger on my right hand,(that's where they wear their wedding rings in Russia) like we are engaged. I began to cry but covered my face, then put my face in the crook of (Y/N) neck and said "yes" then I heard 'click' (Y/N) and I both looked up to see Phichit with is phone out.  "PHICHIT!" I screamed then started running leaving (Y/N) behind.
Hey guys I hope you like it. THANKS FOR THE READS!!!!

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