Chapter 4

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Clary's POV:
After School I lay on my bed gazing at the ceiling above. I was always amazed at the fact that looking at such a random surface could raise so many thoughts in my head. And at the moment only one thing was on my mind, the boy from geography.

I thought about his golden eyes that matched perfectly with his golden hair. His firm jawline and his strong muscled body and- ok clary stop yourself there we don't want this to get out of hand. Remember last time? But maybe this would be different. No better not chance it. I don't even know his name and by the looks of things he's a complete pardon my French, fuckboy.

After a long trial of thought and contemplation I finally decided to go on a Facebook stalking and try find out who this mysterious golden boy was. After about 10 minutes of stalking I found out that his name is Jace Herondale he's 17, he's captain of the lacrosse team and he has a cat called church. About 5 minutes later I built up the courage to sent him a friend request and to my surprise he accepted within 30 seconds. I then received a message from him that shouldn't have, but did make my heart flutter.
He said hey.

Jace's POV:
I couldn't get her off my mind. Clary. Clary what? Where was she from? Does she have a boyfriend? Where does she live? So many thoughts arose in my head and it kinda frightened me. I had never thought so much about a girl in my entire life and I didn't know how to deal with it.

I decided to try find her on Facebook but when I picked up my phone. I had gotten a friend request from....clary?
My heart skipped a beat. I quickly accepted and messaged her a simple hey. And now we wait.

Clary's POV:
What do I say? Do I say hello, or is that too formal? Or hi? but that sounds too girly. What about hey? Ya that sounds ok to me.
I Quickly reply with hey.

We continued to talk for about 2 hours about random things and I found that he was easy to talk to. I always had found it easier to talk through text.

All was going well until he asked a very odd question:
R u single?
Why would he ask that? Was he interested? No he was probably trying to make conversation.
I replied  with a simple ya.
The Icon came up that he was typing but then went away again and I never got a reply.

Jace's POV:
When I discovered she was single my heart unfamiliarly leaped in my chest.
I typed my usual answer:
Not for long;)
But the weird thing was I couldn't bring myself to do it. It just didn't seem right to treat Clary like the other girls at school.
So I turned off my phone and threw it on my bed before laying down beside it and gazing at the ceiling above.
Who knew such a blank vacant looking surface could raise so many thoughts.

(A/N: hey guys! I tried to make this chapter as relatable as possible. I don't know about you guys but I do some internet stalking myself sometimes.....ok now I seem that creepy? I dunno but anyways I also thought the ceiling thing was cute and kinda cringy like a john green quote or something but I don't know you guys might think different. Anyway please VOTE and COMMENT opinions!!!)

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