Chapter 7

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(A/N: Sorry it took so long to update I've been kinda busy lately!)

Clary's POV:
After the guys left I decided to go for a walk to think.

Dean seemed like a nice guy but there just wasn't the same spark I felt with jace. Jace made me feel a way no guy had ever made me feel but I would never have a chance with him. No matter how cocky he was, he was at the top of the high school food chain and I was at the bottem.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by my shoulder connecting with something. I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts.

Standing I front of me was a tall boy with jet black hair but it was covered in blue glitter. He wore black skinny jeans with black knee high boots. He also wore a blue leather jacket over a black top with rainbow sparkled text that said "don't rain on my sparkle". And damn did he pull it off.

"I'm very sorry, are you ok?" he said genuinely concerned.

"Ya I'm fine sorry for being so clumsy I wasn't watching where I was going" I said looking down at my feet.

"No it's ok" he said with a bright smile "the names Bane, Magnus Bane" he said holding out his hand with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

"Clary" I said taking his hand and I smiled back.

"Well clary" he said pulling his hand away "if you wouldn't mind I'm kinda new here and in need of a tour. Would you mind showing me around?"

"Oh I'm sorry" I said kinda awkwardly "I'm actually kinda new here too so I don't think I would be the best to show you around...."

Suddenly I noticed Magnus looking at something in awe over my shoulder and when I turned around I noticed it was Alec. Over the past few days I had formed a friendship with izzy but Alec had been difficult. But from the little info I knew about him I knew he was hella gay and by the looks of things so was Magnus. A plan formed in my mind.

"...but I know someone who could. And here he is!" I said pulling Alec over beside me.

"What?" He asked looking between me and Magnus confused.

"Your going to show Magnus here around the school" I said gesturing towards Magnus.

"Why don't you show him?" He asked.

"You see I'm new here and I'm still really unsure of the school" I said with puppy dog eyes "so I thought maybe you could"

"Oh a...." Alec went red.

"Could you? I'd really appreciate it" Magnus said looking hopefully at Alec.

"Sure I would love to....I mean ya...ummm....sure..." He went an even darker shade of red if that was even possible.

I watched as they both walked away. Alec quickly looked back at me with an unusual expression one of both anger and thankfulness and I gave him a thumbs up and a wink. Aw young love.

Immediately my thoughts fell upon jace. Why did I love him so much....did I just think that? wow I've stooped low. I knew that Jace was a complete player but I couldn't help but think that there was more to him.

Suddenly I heard a shout and crash come from the building to my right.

Was that.......Jace?

What will happen next?

(A/N: Sorry I'm kinda having a mind block at the moment so bare with me. Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT your opinions or if your just bored.)

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