Chapter 8

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The day I've dreaded since reuniting with Logan has arrived. I had hoped to go as long as possible without seeing Mitchum.  I knew I had to buck up and face the man.  We were going to be related in about a week whether I liked it or not.  He was going to be my father-in-law.  I shudder at the prospect, but Logan is worth it.  It won't be easy, but we'll get through this.  Logan said he's been fairly civil with him on all fronts.  Maybe his health scare was a wake-up call for his own mortality.

Logan drives us to the sprawling Huntzberger estate.  He pulls into the lengthy driveway with the silver Jaguar.  I recall the only other time I've been here.  I was mesmerized by the mansion that lay before me as I got out of the sporty little Porsche.  I had no idea what I was in for that night.  And I'm unsure of what's in store for me tonight.  Logan opens my door and assists me out.

"Are you ready, Ace?" He asks.

I take a deep breath.  "As ready as I'll ever be," I reply.

He gives my hand a squeeze and leads me into the house.  It looks so much bigger than I remember.  Maybe it's because I feel like there's so much more at stake this time.  We go into the living room and see everyone but Shira.

"Logan, where's your mom?" I whisper to him before we get close enough for others to hear.

"Probably stress smoking somewhere.  She's been trying to hide it more since Dad came home from the hospital," he replied quietly.

"Logan, Rory, it's so nice to see you!"  Honor says as she gets up to give us each a hug.  Josh shakes Logan's hand and gives me a smile.  He's a man of few words around the Huntzbergers.  We took a seat on the smaller couch.

"Hi, everyone," I say politely, smiling.  I make eye contact with Mitchum, who gives me a smile back.

"Rory, it's been too long since I've last seen you!  We hardly had a chance to chat when I saw you in London.  How did your meeting go with Conde Nast?  They would be lucky to have a talented writer like you on staff," Mitchum said.

Was he being serious or was he taking a jab at me?  I'm not sure how to read this man.  He's a conundrum. 

"The meeting went fine.  I've written a couple of spec pieces for them.  I'm actually working on a book," I reply confidently.

"A book?  Do you have a proposal worked up yet?  Have you talked to any publishing houses?  I could get you a meeting or two if you'd like," he offered.

His offer sounded genuine, as if he actually cared about what I was doing.  "I've got a proposal in the works, but haven't contacted any publishers yet.  Maybe we could discuss this in a few weeks after I've put the finishing touches on my proposal and you've had some more recovery time," I replied.  I feel like this is the first time he's respected what I'm doing.  Even if it's merely a working relationship, that's a start!  It would definitely make becoming part of this family easier than I'm anticipating.

"That sounds like a good plan, Rory," Mitchum replied with a soft smile.  I've never seen him smile like that.  This is a much more human side of him.

"Logan!  Rory!  How wonderful to see you!  I hope you haven't been waiting long!"  It was Shira with her grand entrance and false airs of concern.  This woman should have been an actress because she's always putting on a show!  A waft of cigarette smoke and Chanel No. 5 floated into the room behind her.  My pregnant sense of smell was overwhelmed.  I thought I might choke, but I managed to fight off the urge to cough.

"Mom, we've only been here for a short time," Logan replied.

I gave Shira a small, genuine smile.  Kill them with kindness, just like I did to Paris.  I was not looking for much of a relationship, if any, with her, but we need to get along for Logan's sake.  And the baby.  This was, now, bigger than all of us.

The maid came in to let us know dinner was ready.  Everyone stood up and made their way into the dining room.  Logan and I waited until everyone else went before we moved.

"Just how much does everyone know, Logan?  Things have been a bit crazy lately and we haven't had much time to really talk about this," I whispered.

"They know everything.  I felt it was best to lay all the cards on the table.  I'm hoping honesty will help everyone move forward.  Mom's been the only stagnant one, so far," Logan replied.

"Hopefully, we can help change that tonight!" I said with a sparkle in my eye.

Everyone makes polite conversation during dinner.  Shira did seem to perk up when I mentioned wedding dress shopping with Honor and my mom tomorrow.  Her eyes lit up while recounting her experiences with Honor for her wedding.  I decided this was my chance and I threw her a curve ball.

"Would you like to come with us?" I asked Shira, extending the olive branch.  I know it's not ideal.  Dress shopping should be pleasant and here I was inviting the lion into the cage.  If I can't be the bigger person, I'll never make headway with her.  Logan shot me a look that said Are you sure?

"Oh, no, Rory!  I couldn't possibly intrude like that!  I wouldn't want to impose," she replied after a moment.  I could tell she wasn't prepared for this tactic. 

"I insist, Shira!  I could use all the help I can get," I replied, knowing full well what I was doing.

Tomorrow may go horribly wrong, but at least I will have tried to stir the stagnant water.  I cannot sit idly by while the clock ticks closer to the wedding, closer to the baby being born.  I will not let the burden fall solely on Logan's shoulders.  We are partners and I want to do something to help the cause.  No, I need to do something to help our cause!

"Ok, Rory.  I would love to come with tomorrow," Shira replied.  Her words sounded confident, but the uncertainty was written all over her face.  This time I brought my chair and whip into the lion's den.

"Well played, Ace," Logan said to me on our way to the car.  "You pulled out some pretty big guns tonight."

"I'm absolutely terrified, Logan.  This is going to be a disaster and my mom is going to go ballistic.  I think she was looking forward to this and now I've invited your mom!"

"Call Lorelai and explain.  She'll understand.  You'll have Honor there to help buffer.  She's been dealing with Mom for years; she's an expert," he replied.  "The odds are in your favor.....3-to-1."

"Oh, great.  The Hunger Games allusion does nothing to quell the terror I'm feeling about tomorrow and my mom's reaction," I said.  I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and called Lorelai.  I reminded myself that my mom is the essence of cool, she'll understand.

After some lengthy explanations, I think my mom is on board with this idea.  Tomorrow will be very interesting!

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