Chapter 32.5

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At thirty-seven weeks, the doctor still hadn't released Rory from bed rest and I could tell she was starting to get restless.  I couldn't blame her.  I remembered how things were after my botched jump in Costa Rica.  I just felt trapped knowing the doctor wanted to keep her off her feet for another week.  The poor woman had been restricted for the last month, and there wasn't much I could do.  I didn't want to endanger her or the baby.

"Logan, I am going stir-crazy!  I have to get out of this house.  It's starting to feel like I'm trapped," she said.

"I'm just trying to follow the doctor's orders and keep you and the baby safe," I replied.

"Maybe we can break the rules and just get out of here.  We could go to Martha's Vineyard.  I can relax outdoors, but the ocean and away from here!"

"Oh, Ace, you should know better than to ask me to break the rules, especially doctor's orders," I replied laughing, and kissed her on the cheek.  "If you want to get out of here, we'll go.  I just don't like the idea of being too far away in case Little Ace decides to make her arrival.  You're in the home stretch now, and she could come at any time."  The Vineyard was a little too far away from civilization for my comfort level.  If we were going somewhere, it needed to be within a reasonable distance of a hospital.

"Then what do you have in mind?  It had better include getting me out of the house!" she said as a light-hearted warning.

I thought for a moment, and then it hit me.  I knew where we could go.  "How about we head into the city?  We can take a carriage ride through Central Park, go out for dinner.....what do you say?" 

"Sounds like a dream come true!  Fresh air!  Food!  Oh, and a carriage ride," she replied, smiling and laughing.

"Your wish is granted!" I said.  I knew the city wasn't terribly far and there were plenty of medical facilities in case something were to happen.  I could definitely go for getting out of Hartford. 

When Rory hit forty weeks, Little Ace still hadn't made her appearance.  I went with to her weekly appointments, and there was little to no progress being made.  She was becoming disheartened, even thought she'd been taken off any restrictions.  Now, we played the waiting game until our daughter decided to make her debut.  Rory tried just about anything to help get things moving, but nothing worked.  To top things off, we still hadn't settled on a name.

"Ok, little girl!  I'm posting your eviction notice today, time.....NOW!  You've overstayed your welcome and it's time for you to come out!" she said to her stomach.

"Ace, I don't think that's gonna work.  She's a Gilmore.  She takes orders from no one," I replied laughing.

"I'm miserable and I need to be done with this pregnancy.  This is all your fault, you know!'

"How is this my fault?  I do believe I gave you a key to your own room.  Who said, Where's your room?"

"I have no recollection of your tale," she replied with a sly smile.

"I'm hurt," I said feigning heartbreak.

"Stop being so soft, Huntzberger!"

"You've broke me, what can I say?" I replied, smirking.

"Broke you?  I doubt that.  Maybe you've just mellowed in your old age," she said with a wink.

"Old age?  Your insults have become weak, Ace!" I laughed.

"It's this whole baby brain thing.  She's sucking the smarts right outta me!" she said wincing in pain.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

Reflecting their own light: Rory and LoganWhere stories live. Discover now