Chapter 25.5

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The gasp was followed by confusion.  I was shocked and bewildered.  Was the tech playing some cruel joke on me or was the bakery filled with idiots? They're the best bakery in Hartford and I've used them several times before, I thought.

The cake was purple....fucking purple!  Like Grape Ape purple!

"Well, this is an absolute disgrace!  This is completely unacceptable!  I'm going to call the bakery and let them know just how incompetent they are!" Emily said after a couple of minutes of puzzled silence.

"Emily, I'll go take care of it right now.  I can't believe they did this to us," I said and walked into the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen, I pulled up the number for the bakery and called.

"Good afternoon, thank you for calling A Little Imagination Cakes!  This is Sandy, how may I help you?"

"Hey, Sandy.  This is Logan Huntzberger," I replied.

"Oh, Mr. Huntzberger!  How was your gender reveal cake?"

"See, that's where there's a problem," I said.

"I'm very sorry to hear that!  What's the issue?"

"For a gender reveal cake, you'd normally do pink or blue, right?"

"Of course, unless the customer requests something different."

"Our cake was......purple," I stated.

"Sir, I am so sorry.  I have to apologize for our new baker.  This is the second cake we've received a complaint about.  He claims he doesn't want to force any children into predetermined gender roles," she replied apologetically.  "If you'll give us another chance, we'd love to make it up to you.  We can have a cake there in twenty minutes as long as you don't mind it's not the same exact cake.  We'll also issue you a complete refund."

"That would be wonderful.  I appreciate your helpfulness!" I replied.  It didn't mean I wasn't frustrated that my surprise had been ruined, but I know that mistakes happen.  I just wish it hadn't been regarding my party for Rory.  I went back to the dining room.

"You will not believe the excuse the bakery gave me," I said.

"What's that?" she replied.

"They said they just hired a new baker.  When they confronted him about the cake, he said that he didn't want to force the baby into any predetermined gender roles...."

"Are you kidding me?  It's a cake, not the actual child!"

"They've already put together another cake for us and it'll be here in about twenty minutes.  It won't be exactly the same, but it will still work," I replied.

"While we are waiting for the cake, let's talk about the house," Emily said to us.

"What did you have in mind, Grandma?"

"After Logan approached me about the house, I got to thinking that, maybe, this could be my wedding gift to you two," she suggested.

"Emily, that's very generous of you, but you really don't have to do that!"

"Nonsense!  I've already got the house in Nantucket, so it's not like I need this place.  Besides, I'd hate to see strangers move in here and ruin the place.  Your grandfather wanted the house to stay in the family.  I think he secretly hoped you'd want it, Rory."

"Really?" she replied softly.

"Under one condition," she said.  "I insist the family comes to Nantucket for at least one week in the summer."

From Rory's stories, there are always strings with the Gilmores.  "I have one condition of my own," Rory retorted.

"Let's hear it," she replied with a satisfied smile.  She seemed to like that Rory was playing her game and fulfilling her role as a member of the Gilmore family.

"I want to keep Grandpa's memory alive and I think a great way to honor him would be leaving his study as it is.  It will get used, but that's his special place in the house."

The smile grew on her face.  "I think that's a wonderful idea," she said and tried to mask the tears that were coming.  Before they fell, she hugged Rory tightly.

"Cake's here!" Lorelai shouted from the other room.

I watched as Emily gathered herself before returning to the party.  I loved that this had worked out so well.  It was a very special moment between Rory and Emily.  I couldn't wait for those kinds of moments for our family.  Living here was one of the best ideas I'd ever had.

"Rory, get your butt in here!  There's a cake to cut, and you know how cranky I get if I see cake and have to wait too long for it," Lorelai called impatiently.

"We're coming, Mom," Rory said and turned to me.  "We'd better get in there fast or she'll tear the cake to shreds and no one will be able to tell what we are having!"

"After you, Ace," I replied and gestured for her to go first.

There was an apologetic note on the cake which explained the cake was not colored, but there was a colored cream filling in the center.  I hoped this time it was right.  I had a very strong feeling it would be pink, but I kept my suspicions to myself.

"Cake cutting, take two....and......ACTION!" Lorelai said in her best director voice.

"Ok, Mom.  We get it," Rory said and picked up a clean knife.

We cut into the cake as we had before, but this time the knife was covered with the cream filling when we pulled it out.  Moving quickly, we tried to hide the knife by cutting the other side of the slice, but it was too late.

"It's PINK!  I knew it!  I told you it was a girl!" I heard Lorelai exclaim.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic, Lorelai.  Of course, it was going to be a girl!" Emily said.

Rory looked at my face and I couldn't hide a knowing smile.  "You knew?"

"No, I didn't, but I had a feeling," I replied still grinning.  "So, what do you think, Ace?"

"I can't believe we're having a little girl!  I think my mom is more excited than we are," she replied nodding in Lorelai's direction.  "Although, I'm not sure if it's for the baby girl or the cake."

I chucked.  Lorelai and Emily were very excited about the prospect of a girl.  We continued to accept congratulatory remarks from everyone.  I noticed Rory had finally gotten herself and Little Ace some cake.  She came over to me and took my hand.  She placed it on her small bump.

"Do you feel that?" she asked pressing my hand firmly over Little Ace.

I paused and concentrated.  I was overcome with emotion.  It was happiness mixed with awe and excitement.  I think I was feeling my daughter for the first time.

"Is that?"

"yes, that's our little girl doing gymnastics inside.  She started after I ate the cake," she replied.

"That's because she's a Gilmore," Lorelai stated smiling.  She must have snuck up behind us.

They both looked at me and smiled.  I hadn't stopped smiling.  This little girl already had me wrapped around her little finger.  At that point, I realized my life was never going to be the same!

Reflecting their own light: Rory and LoganWhere stories live. Discover now